The Young and the Restless: Kinematics of Young Stars in Orion OB1A with APOGEE-2

Martes, 12 Junio 2018 8 a.m. — 9 a.m. MST

AURA Lecture Hall

NOIRLab South Colloquia
CARLOS ROMAN-ZUÑIGA (Instituto de Astronomia de la UNAM, Ensenada,México and Astronomer Invited by Universidad de La Serena and CTIO)

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey APOGEE-2 program is dedicated to reconstruct the history of our Galaxy through the study of kinematics and chemical evolution of its components. It uses a complex near-IR spectrograph to obtain moderate-high resolution (R~22,500) spectra in the H band (1.5-1.7 micron) of hundreds of thousands of stars. Within this monumental effort, several goal science programs focus on more specific problems. One of them is a study of several nearby (0.3-2 kpc) active star forming regions, aiming to understand the pre-main sequence phase and the kinematics of embedded stars in order to understand the formation and early evolution of young star clusters. We present a summary of current efforts to understand the emerging phase of young stellar groups in OB1A, the most evolved popularization of the Orion Complex. By combining APOGEE-2 and Gaia, we obtain a rich catalog that combines precise classifications and physical properties of stars with full 6D position-velocity vectors. This catalog allows to study the internal kinematics of 25 Orionis and other stellar groups present in the Orion OB1A region, allowing us to infere the expansion process and the varial state of Orion OB1A groups, which in turn is essential to understand how some embedded populations disperse at emerging from their parental cloud to either form bound open clusters or to integrate to the Galactic Disk.