Video Formats

The animations and videos can be downloaded in different sizes and qualities:

Format Dimensions HD
[pixels] (16:9)
Field/Frame Rate [fps] File type Bitrate (Mbit/s)
Directory Other info
HD Full HD Preview 1080p 1920 x 1080 29.97 .mp4 8 hd_1080_screen MPEG4 H.264. Fast start, .m4v
Full HD Broadcast 1080p 1920 x 1080 29.97 .mov 7200 hd_1080_broadcast Apple ProRes 422 HQ
Ultra HD 4K Ultra HD Preview H.264 3840 x 2160 29.97 .mp4 40 ultra_hd MPEG4 H.264
4K Ultra HD Preview H.265 3840 x 2160 29.97 .mp4 45 ultra_hd_h265 MPEG4 H.265, higher quality
4K Ultra HD Broadcast 3840 x 2160 29.97 .mov 7200 ultra_hd_broadcast Apple ProRes 444 (no Alpha)
 8k 8k Ultra HD h265 7680 × 4320 29.97 .mp4   ultra_hd_8k_h265 MPEG4 H.265
  8k Ultra HD broadcast 7680 × 4320 29.97 .mov   ultra_hd_8k_broadcast Apple ProRes 444 (no Alpha)

Fulldome Preview 1024 x 1024 30 .mp4 12 dome_preview MPEG4 H.264
Fulldome 2k planetarium playback 2048 x 2048 30 .mp4  42 dome_2kplayback MPEG4 H.264. For direct playback without slicing in smaller domes.
Fulldome 4k planetarium playback 4096 x 4096 30 .mp4 ~73 dome_4kplayback MPEG4 H.264. For direct playback without slicing in medium-sized domes.
Fulldome 4k Master 4096 x 4096 (or best available) 30  .jpgs. Zipped with Winzip  ~1 000 dome_4kmaster For planetarium use only (lightly compressed zipped single frames). The dome masters can be downloaded and sliced into the configuration that suits the individual planetarium. 
Note: 1. Do not use Windows' built-in unzipper as it produces random frames (due to its default security settings). 2. As no network or browser is 100% stable, we strongly recommend using a download manager (like Free Download Manager1 or the command line tool aria2). 5.1 audio.
Fulldome 8k Master 8192 x 8192 30 .jpgs. Zipped with Winzip. ~1000 dome_8kmaster  For planetarium use only (lightly compressed zipped single frames). The dome masters can be downloaded and sliced into the configuration that suits the individual planetarium. 
Note: 1. Do not use Windows' built-in unzipper as it produces random frames (due to its default security settings). 2. As no network or browser is 100% stable, we strongly recommend using a download manager (like Free Download Manageror the command line tool aria2). 5.1 audio.
Fulldome Audio N/A -- .wav, .zip -- dome_audio  
VR 4k VR 8192 x 4096 25 .mp4   vr_4k  
  4k VR Broadcast 4096 x 2048 30 .mov 7200 vr_4k_broadcast Apple ProRes 422 HQ
  8k VR 8192 x 4096 25
mp4   vr_8k
  8k VR Broadcast 8192 x 4096 30


Apple ProRes 422 HQ
   2k SoS 2048 x 1024 30 .mp4 (xvid), .zip 25 vr_2k_sos 360 x 180 degrees mp4 encoded for Science on a Sphere playback.
  4k SoS 4096 x 2048 30
.mp4 (xvid),
  vr_4k_sos 360 x 180 degrees mp4 encoded for Science on a Sphere playback.

1 In Free Download Manager we recommend setting: Options -> Settings -> Downloads -> New Download -> Advanced -> Connection: unclick "Maximum number of attempts" (to have infinite numbers of reconnection attempts). And please double-check that you have enough free disk space where you're saving. With this solution we believe that even up to 400 GB large files can be taken down on a personal DSL16000 line (at 1.8 MB/s) over a weekend in Europe. We are working on solving the slower delivery to more distant locations.



Everything is free for you to use as long as you follow the simple rules in our Copyright info.

Comparison chart

Below you can compare the relation between the different provided video formats. The "4K" (i.e. "Ultra HD"), is equivalent to a horizontal resolution on the order of 4000 pixels.

Ultra HD format