An Introduction to the Virtual Observatory. What is it Offering to Astronomers?

Lunes, 01 Octubre 2012 12:30 p.m. — 1 p.m. MST

AURA Lecture Hall

NOIRLab South Colloquia
AMELIA Bayo (Universidad de Chile)

The advent of new and more sensitive surveys providing photometry at many wavelength ranges and covering large sky areas (GALEX, SDSS,2MASS, UKIDSS, AKARI, WISE), is pushing astronomy towards a change ofparadigm where small groups, and not only large consortia, need to analyze large multi-wavelength data sets as part of their everydaywork. In this context, the Virtual Observatory (VO), as a common frameto exchange not only observational data but also theoretical models,plays a very important role.

In the talk I will provide some further motivation on the need offrame works as the Virtual Observatory and will describe some of themost commonly used VO-tools including a "life" demo of capabilities ofsome of these tools.

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