noaoann16016 — Announcement

Ultra-faint stellar systems discovered toward the Sagittarius stream

12 September 2016

Astronomers have discovered ultra-faint stellar systems in the direction of the Sagittarius stream, the stream of stars that is being pulled out of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy as it orbits our own Milky Way galaxy. Similar in size to globular clusters but much fainter, the new stellar systems straddle the fuzzy boundary between dwarf galaxies and stellar clusters. The discovery was made by a team of astronomers using data from the Dark Energy Survey being carried out at CTIO. Team members include NOAO astronomers Kathy Vivas, Tim Abbott, David James, Chris Smith, and Alistair Walker.

About the Announcement



Ultra-faint stellar systems discovered toward the Sagittarius stream
Ultra-faint stellar systems discovered toward the Sagittarius stream