Science with Adaptive Optics
at the Pasadena AAS Meeting, June 7-11, 2009
Listing of talks and authors, with links to downloadable presentations.
For talks without links, please contact the authors for further information.
Abstract Title
Authors and Institutions
MONDAY MORNING SESSION 203: Introduction to Adaptive Optics & Black Holes observed with AO
Introduction to Adaptive Optics
Claire E. Max (UC Santa Cruz)
Black Hole Masses in the Largest (M87) and Smallest (Globular Clusters) Systems
Karl Gebhardt (U. of Texas at Austin)
Measuring Black Hole Masses in Nearby Galaxies with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics
Claire E. Max (UC Santa Cruz)1
MONDAY AFTERNOON SESSION 211: Stellar Astronomy with AO
AO Capabilities at ESO for the User
- Presentation
- Video
Chris Lidman (ESO, Chile)
Massive Young Stellar Objects
Robert D. Blum (NOAO)
Spectral Imaging of T Tauri Star Microjets
Tracy Beck1, P. J. McGregor2 (1STScI, 2ANU, Australia)
Keck LGS AO Orbital Monitoring of Brown Dwarf Binaries
- Presentation
- Video
Trent J. Dupuy1, M. C. Liu1, M. J. Ireland2 (1U. of Hawaii, 2U. of Sydney, Australia).
Very Low Mass Stellar and Brown Dwarf Binaries Observed with Adaptive Optics
Laird M. Close (Steward Observatory, U of Arizona)
TUESDAY MORNING SESSION 219: Solar System Studies with AO
W.M. Keck Observatory Adaptive Optics Science Capabilities
Peter Wizinowich, R. Campbell (Keck)
Big Kuiper Belt Objects and Little Satellites
Michael E. Brown (Caltech)
Multiple Asteroid Systems: Search Programs and Studies with AO
Franck Marchis (SETI/UC Berkeley)
Measuring Atmospheric Dynamics on Titan with AO
Mate Adamkovics, I. de Pater (UC Berkeley), & M. Hartung (Gemini)
Titan's Methane Weather
Henry G. Roe (Lowell Obs.)
TUESDAY AFTERNOON SESSION 230: The Search for Exo-planets and Debris Disks with AO
The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign
Michael C. Liu (U. of Hawaii)
Planet Searches via L and M Imaging
Philip Hinz (U. of Arizona)
Multiple Planets Orbiting the Star HR 8799
Christian Marois (NRC, Hertzberg Inst. Of Astron), B. Macintosh, T. Barman, B. Zuckerman, I. Song, J. Patience, D. Lafreniere, R. Doyon
A Uniform Analysis of 118 Sun-like Stars with High-Contrast AO Imaging: Long Period Giant Planets are Rare
Eric Nielsen1, L. M. Close (U. of Arizona)
The First Spatially Resolved Mid-IR Spectra of Binaries with Adaptive Optics
Andrew Skemer, L. Close, P. Hinz, W. Hoffmann, J. Males (U. of Arizona), & T. Greene. (NASA Ames)
Probing Planet Formation with AO Imaging of Circumstellar Debris Disks
Michael P. Fitzgerald (LLNL)
WEDNESDAY MORNING SESSION 240: Stellar Populations and the Galactic Center with AO
AO Capabilities at the MMT for the User
Michael M. Lloyd-Hart (U. of Arizona)1
AO and the Galactic Center: A Tool and a Laboratory for Fundamental Astrophysics and Galactic Nuclei
Andrea M. Ghez (UCLA)
Origin of Young Stars in GC and in M31
Jessica R. Lu (Caltech), R. Rich & A. M. Ghez (UCLA), K. Matthews (Caltech), K. Gebhardt (U. Texas)
The Central Regions of M32
Tim Davidge (HIA, NRC, Canada)
The Star Formation History of M31
Knut A. G. Olsen & R. D. Blum (NOAO), A. W. Stephens (Gemini)
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON SESSION 250: Stellar Populations with AO
Gemini Observatory Adaptive Optics Instrumentation and Capabilities
Julian C. Christou (Gemini Observatory)
Nearby Nuclear Star Clusters
Anil Seth (Harvard-Smithsonian, CfA)
VLT High Precision Astrometry of Galactic Starburst Clusters
Wolfgang Brandner1, A. Stolte2 (1MPIA, Germany, 2Univ. of Cologne, Germany)
Stellar Populations and Super Star Clusters in Nearby Starburst Galaxies
William D. Vacca (SOFIA-USRA)
THURSDAY MORNING SESSION 257: Stellar Pops, Galaxies and Cosmo. with AO
Resolved Stellar Populations within Dwarf Irregular Galaxy KKH 98 from Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics
Jason Melbourne (Caltech)
Young Massive Star Clusters and Stellar Populations
Nate McCrady (UCLA)
High Z Galaxy Kinematics and Star Formation
N. Forster-Schreiber, Erin K. Hicks, R. Genzel, N. Bouch, P. Buschkamp, G. Cresci, R. Davies, F. Eisenhauer, S. Genel, K. L. Shapiro, D. Lutz, L. Tacconi MPIE-TP, Germany.
Keck LGSAO Imaging and Spectroscopy of Massive Passively Evolving Galaxies at z ~ 2.5
Alan N. Stockton (University of Hawaii)
Stellar Velocity Dispersion Measurement of a Luminous Quasar Host with Gemini North LGSAO
Linda C. Watson1 (1Ohio State University)
Science with Adaptive Optics
Abstract Title |
Authors and Institutions |
MONDAY MORNING SESSION 203: Introduction to Adaptive Optics & Black Holes observed with AO |
Introduction to Adaptive Optics | Claire E. Max (UC Santa Cruz) |
Black Hole Masses in the Largest (M87) and Smallest (Globular Clusters) Systems | Karl Gebhardt (U. of Texas at Austin) |
Measuring Black Hole Masses in Nearby Galaxies with Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics | Claire E. Max (UC Santa Cruz)1 |
MONDAY AFTERNOON SESSION 211: Stellar Astronomy with AO |
AO Capabilities at ESO for the User
Chris Lidman (ESO, Chile) |
Massive Young Stellar Objects | Robert D. Blum (NOAO) |
Spectral Imaging of T Tauri Star Microjets | Tracy Beck1, P. J. McGregor2 (1STScI, 2ANU, Australia) |
Keck LGS AO Orbital Monitoring of Brown Dwarf Binaries
Trent J. Dupuy1, M. C. Liu1, M. J. Ireland2 (1U. of Hawaii, 2U. of Sydney, Australia). |
Very Low Mass Stellar and Brown Dwarf Binaries Observed with Adaptive Optics | Laird M. Close (Steward Observatory, U of Arizona) |
TUESDAY MORNING SESSION 219: Solar System Studies with AO |
W.M. Keck Observatory Adaptive Optics Science Capabilities | Peter Wizinowich, R. Campbell (Keck) |
Big Kuiper Belt Objects and Little Satellites | Michael E. Brown (Caltech) |
Multiple Asteroid Systems: Search Programs and Studies with AO | Franck Marchis (SETI/UC Berkeley) |
Measuring Atmospheric Dynamics on Titan with AO | Mate Adamkovics, I. de Pater (UC Berkeley), & M. Hartung (Gemini) |
Titan's Methane Weather | Henry G. Roe (Lowell Obs.) |
TUESDAY AFTERNOON SESSION 230: The Search for Exo-planets and Debris Disks with AO |
The Gemini NICI Planet-Finding Campaign | Michael C. Liu (U. of Hawaii) |
Planet Searches via L and M Imaging | Philip Hinz (U. of Arizona) |
Multiple Planets Orbiting the Star HR 8799 | Christian Marois (NRC, Hertzberg Inst. Of Astron), B. Macintosh, T. Barman, B. Zuckerman, I. Song, J. Patience, D. Lafreniere, R. Doyon |
A Uniform Analysis of 118 Sun-like Stars with High-Contrast AO Imaging: Long Period Giant Planets are Rare | Eric Nielsen1, L. M. Close (U. of Arizona) |
The First Spatially Resolved Mid-IR Spectra of Binaries with Adaptive Optics | Andrew Skemer, L. Close, P. Hinz, W. Hoffmann, J. Males (U. of Arizona), & T. Greene. (NASA Ames) |
Probing Planet Formation with AO Imaging of Circumstellar Debris Disks | Michael P. Fitzgerald (LLNL) |
WEDNESDAY MORNING SESSION 240: Stellar Populations and the Galactic Center with AO |
AO Capabilities at the MMT for the User | Michael M. Lloyd-Hart (U. of Arizona)1 |
AO and the Galactic Center: A Tool and a Laboratory for Fundamental Astrophysics and Galactic Nuclei | Andrea M. Ghez (UCLA) |
Origin of Young Stars in GC and in M31 | Jessica R. Lu (Caltech), R. Rich & A. M. Ghez (UCLA), K. Matthews (Caltech), K. Gebhardt (U. Texas) |
The Central Regions of M32 | Tim Davidge (HIA, NRC, Canada) |
The Star Formation History of M31 | Knut A. G. Olsen & R. D. Blum (NOAO), A. W. Stephens (Gemini) |
WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON SESSION 250: Stellar Populations with AO |
Gemini Observatory Adaptive Optics Instrumentation and Capabilities | Julian C. Christou (Gemini Observatory) |
Nearby Nuclear Star Clusters | Anil Seth (Harvard-Smithsonian, CfA) |
VLT High Precision Astrometry of Galactic Starburst Clusters | Wolfgang Brandner1, A. Stolte2 (1MPIA, Germany, 2Univ. of Cologne, Germany) |
Stellar Populations and Super Star Clusters in Nearby Starburst Galaxies | William D. Vacca (SOFIA-USRA) |
THURSDAY MORNING SESSION 257: Stellar Pops, Galaxies and Cosmo. with AO |
Resolved Stellar Populations within Dwarf Irregular Galaxy KKH 98 from Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics | Jason Melbourne (Caltech) |
Young Massive Star Clusters and Stellar Populations | Nate McCrady (UCLA) |
High Z Galaxy Kinematics and Star Formation | N. Forster-Schreiber, Erin K. Hicks, R. Genzel, N. Bouch, P. Buschkamp, G. Cresci, R. Davies, F. Eisenhauer, S. Genel, K. L. Shapiro, D. Lutz, L. Tacconi MPIE-TP, Germany. |
Keck LGSAO Imaging and Spectroscopy of Massive Passively Evolving Galaxies at z ~ 2.5 | Alan N. Stockton (University of Hawaii) |
Stellar Velocity Dispersion Measurement of a Luminous Quasar Host with Gemini North LGSAO | Linda C. Watson1 (1Ohio State University) |