NOIRLab noirlab2405: Astronomers Measure Heaviest Black Hole Pair Ever Found — Data from Gemini North provide possible explanation for supermassive binary black hole’s halted merger. Using archival data from the Gemini North telescope, a team of astronomers have measured the heaviest pair of supermassive black holes ever found. The merging of two supermassive black holes is a phenomenon that has long been predicted, though never …

NOIRLab <br> News
Astronomers Measure Heaviest Black Hole Pair Ever Found
29 Feb. 2024 — NOIRLab Science Release noirlab2405

Using archival data from the Gemini North telescope, a team of astronomers have measured the heaviest pair of supermassive black holes ever found. The merging of two supermassive black holes is a phenomenon that has long been predicted, though never observed. This massive pair gives clues as to why such an event seems so unlikely in the Universe.

The release, images and videos are available on:

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NOIRLab Communications, Education & Engagement
29 Feb. 2024

NOIRLab Announcements

United Nations Agrees to Address Impact of Satellite Constellations on Astronomy

United Nations Agrees to Address Impact of Satellite Constellations on Astronomy — After several years’ work by astronomers affiliated with the IAU CPS, a key UN body agreed last week to put on their agenda the issue of satellite constellations' impact on astronomy.

15 Feb. 2024

After intense discussions, the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) Scientific and Technical Subcommittee has agreed to include an item on its provisional agenda …

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Rubin Digest 13 February 2024

Rubin Digest 13 February 2024

14 Feb. 2024

Project &amp; Science News The fourth in a series of Rubin science releases showcasing Rubin’s upcoming contributions to various areas of astronomy and astrophysics is now available. Read (in English …

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Thirty New NOIRLab and Rubin Ambassadors Announced

Thirty New NOIRLab and Rubin Ambassadors Announced — Talented individuals from around the globe share their interest in NOIRLab

13 Feb. 2024

The NOIRLab Ambassador Program, launched in May 2023, aims to increase public engagement with NOIRLab and its Programs, including Vera C. Rubin Observatory Construction, by working together with motivated and …

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Upcoming Educational Events

Globe at Night March Campaign
01 March 2024 midnight MST - 10 March 2024 midnight MST
Globe at Night March Campaign
Globe at Night
01 March 2024 5 a.m. — 7 a.m. MST
Cerro Pachón, Gemini South, Visit
Public Visits
01 March 2024 10 a.m. — noon MST
NOIRLab Headquarters Public Visit
Public Visits
01 March 2024 1 p.m. — 3 p.m. MST
Gemini Hilo Base Facility, Hawai‘i
Public Visits
02 March 2024 5 a.m. — 7:30 a.m. MST
Cerro Tololo Visit
Public Visits

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