
Starting 2022B: NOIRLab proposals must be anonymized. Instructions for PIs can be found on the Anonymization page
Starting 2022A: The launch of the Time Allocation System (TAS) includes important changes for users, such as 1) Direct LaTeX entry into the proposal form is no longer supported. Instead the main text sections of the proposal (Science Justification, Experimental Design, etc.) must be attached as PDF files to the web-based sections of the proposal. 2) Proposers must sign in to the CSDC Single Sign On (SSO) system to access the proposal form. Additional information is available in the Call for Proposals pageProposal Instructions page and the FAQ page.

Click here for the latest Call for Proposals

Deadlines for submission:

Standard proposals

All proposals must have their content anonymized.

Standard (check Call for Proposals for submission dates)
!** Note **
Note: NOIRLab standard proposals are accepted using the TAS proposal submission form. This form replaces the legacy NOAO proposal form (as of semester 2022A) and provides a much more streamlined submission process. Click here for proposal instructions. There are some key differences in the new system:
  • Proposal text must be anonymized. Starting 2022B proposal content must be anonymized with the exception of the "Team Information and Relevant Background" attachment field.
  • A CSDC user account is required to submit a proposal. This account will be used to manage all of your proposals. No longer do you use a separate new user for each proposal. You will be directed to the Proposal Form AFTER you login.
  • Our submission tools will no longer compile your LaTex. This means all entries must be submitted through the webform as plain text, with scientific text (e.g. SJ, ED) of the proposal (including figures) being submitted as a PDF
  • Multiple users can view a single proposal. Read, Write or Submit access can be granted to one or multiple investigators on the proposal.
  • Proposals can be recalled up until the proposal submission deadline. Made a mistake? Proposals can now be recalled as long as the submission period is still open.
  • More details of changes can be found on the FAQ page.
  • Our new help email is
Gemini (check Call for Proposals for submission dates)
Note: NOIRLab standard proposals are accepted using the TAS proposal submission form. This form replaces the legacy NOAO proposal form (as of semester 2022A) and provides a much more streamlined submission process. Click here for proposal instructions. There are some key differences in the new system:
  • Proposal text must be anonymized. Starting 2022B proposal content must be anonymized with the exception of the "Team Information and Relevant Background" attachment field.
  • A CSDC user account is required to submit a proposal. This account will be used to manage all of your proposals. No longer do you use a separate new user for each proposal. You will be directed to the Proposal Form AFTER you login.
  • Our submission tools will no longer compile your LaTex. This means all entries must be submitted through the webform as plain text, with scientific text (e.g. SJ, ED) of the proposal (including figures) being submitted as a PDF
  • Multiple users can view a single proposal. Read, Write or Submit access can be granted to one or multiple investigators on the proposal.
  • Proposals can be recalled up until the proposal submission deadline. Made a mistake? Proposals can now be recalled as long as the submission period is still open.
  • More details of changes can be found on the FAQ page.
  • Our new help email is
Survey (check Call for Proposals for submission dates)


Semester Information:

[A] semester (Feb 1 – Jul 31): Last day of September of the previous year
[B] semester (Aug 1 – Jan 31): Last day of March of the current year


Director's Discretionary Time

Cerro Tololo (proposals accepted at any time)
Gemini (proposals accepted at any time)


Other types of proposals

Gemini Fast Turnaround Program (deadline for proposal submission on last day of each month)
Gemini Poor Weather Programs (proposals accepted at any time)
Gemini Large and Long Programs (check website for current status)
NOIRLab Survey Programs (check website for current status)



How do you apply for observing time?

Proposals for standard observing programs at all NOIRLab facilities, at partner facilities, and at private facilities that provide some open-access time through the NOIRLab time allocation process, can be submitted twice each year. Deadlines are the last day in September for the following “A” semester (Feb 1 – Jul 31) and the last day in March for the following “B” semester (Aug 1 – Jan 31). Survey programs are accepted annually or when sufficient time is available for new programs. Investigators must submit a letter of intent in advance.

Time Allocation Committee (TAC)

The NOIRLab Time Allocation Committee (TAC) meets semi-annually to advise the NOIRLab Director on the allocation of telescope time. The TAC comprises seven broad discipline-based panels plus special panels to handle survey or other proposals. TAC members are appointed by the chair of the NOIRLab TAC process.

Gemini TAC

The Gemini Time Allocation proceeds in two phases, first at the National TAC (NTAC) level for each individual partner, then by the International TAC (ITAC), which merges the proposals to create a single combined list of programs for execution.


NSF NOIRLab offers the opportunity to conduct major survey programs of up to 3 years in duration. Up to 20% of the observing time available through NOIRLab may be allocated to Survey Programs.


Updated on January 13, 2025, 5:40 pm