sci24014 — Announcement

IGRINS-2 Second Telescope Integration Run

February 12, 2024

In early January, the Gemini and KASI IGRINS-2 (Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrometer 2) teams completed the second on-sky testing run. The primary focus of this run was on validating the performance of IGRINS-2, and integrating its control and observing software into the Gemini system. 

Software testing using Gemini’s Observing Tool (OT), web-based Sequencer Executer (seqexec), and Gemini Master Process (GMP) went smoothly, and the team successfully delivered the Multi-Extension FITS (MEF) files to the Gemini Observatory Archive (GOA). 

The team also collected on-sky data during this run to compare them to those from the first on-sky testing last October. The data analysis to confirm the performance of IGRINS-2 is currently in progress. 

The next milestones for the IGRINS-2 project are the commissioning run scheduled for late April and the Systems Verification (SV) run scheduled for mid-July. After the completion of these two milestone events, IGRINS-2 will be offered to the community later in the 2024B semester.

About the Announcement



IGRINS-2 on Gemini North.

Credit: C. Park (KASI)

IGRINS-2 in the lab.

Credit: H. Oh (KASI)