US National Gemini Office

Users Support Portal

The US National Gemini Office (US NGO) main goal is to support US Gemini Users in the phases of the astronomical observing cycle, from proposal preparation to data analysis. This page is the main portal to all information for the different phases, connecting to specific Gemini pages, where users can find definitive content on instruments and modes. This page also contains data reduction and analysis tools for the entire Gemini community. In addition to the US NGO, Users can also contact the members of the Users' Committee for Gemini Observatory (UCG) for their partner country, listed on the Gemini Observatory governance page.


Summary of Science Observations Last Week



Summary of US Programs Observed Last Night




US NGO AAS#243 Splinter Session: "The Present and Future of Exoplanet Science with the Gemini Observatory". Click here for information and to access the presentations!

US NGO in the NOIRLab Era: Read our recently published article on JATIS/SPIE!

GMOS Cookbook v2.0: Click here. Read the article published in the NOIRLab Mirror.

2023 Gemini Science Observations: Read our summary!


Gemini Data Analysis

Click here for information and links on data download, data format, software installation, and additional resources.


Gemini Science Instruments

Get curated resources on data reduction for your favorite instrument:

Data Reduction Tutorials - GitHub Repositories

Our tutorials are based on the examples provided by the Gemini/DRAGONS team. The links below will take you to the repositories with examples and extended help files:

  • DRAGONS: Jupyter notebooks (using the DRAGONS Python API)
  • IRAF: Gemini/IRAF scripts


About Us

The US NGO is a group within the Community Science and Data Center (CSDC) at the NSF's NOIRLab. For questions, comments, and/or feedback, you can send us an email at or a direct message on Twitter. For further information about the US NGO members and collaborators, please visit our people page.


Updated on June 27, 2024, 2:06 pm