sci24054 — Announcement

DRAGONS v3.2.1 Release

August 28, 2024

Gemini Observatory announces the release of DRAGONS v3.2.1. DRAGONS (Data Reduction for Astronomy from Gemini Observatory North and South) is a Python-based data-reduction platform that offers a streamlined approach to the reduction of Gemini data. The new patch release (v3.2.1) includes improvements to the wavelength calibration for GMOS and minor updates to the GHOST data reduction software and documentation. Preemptive support for the new GNIRS detector controller has been included, though not yet tested. Users should note that current values for gain, read noise and other similar parameters are only nominal, and will be updated, once determined, through a future patch release. GNIRS data not using the new controllers are not impacted.

The DRAGONS installation guide is provided in the Recipe System User Manual. Users may also be interested in the DRAGONS Tutorials and Documentation.

About the Announcement
