U.S. REU Participants and Projects

Student & Institution Advisor Project Title
Carey Borghi
University of Wyoming
Knut Olsen The Warp in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Katherine Guenthner
University of Texas at Austin
Hugo Schwarz
3D Photoionization Models of Planetary Nebulae
Ryan Peterson
Lawrence College
Hugo Schwarz Orientation Effects in Bipolar Planetary Nebulae
Lara Pierpoint
University of California at Los Angeles
Bernadette Rogers The Young Binary System CO Orionis
Rebecca Wilcox
University of Washington
Dara Norman Galaxy Clusters in the Deep Lens Survey

Chilean Students and Projects:
Práctica de Investigacíon en Astronomía (PIA) Program

Student & Institution Advisor Project Title
Rodrigo Fernandez
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago
Hugo Schwarz Velocity Fields in FLIERS in NGC 7009
Abner Zapata
Universidad de Concepción
Nick Suntzeff The Unusual Supernova 2002bo


  • Tour of Cerro Tololo
  • Tour of Cerro Pachon: SOAR and the Gemini South facility
  • Observing at CTIO: the 0.9-m telescope
  • Presenting results at the January 2004 AAS meeting

Updated on May 15, 2022, 10:38 am