A Symposium in Honor of Dr. Michael J. S. Belton
Dr. Michael J. S. Belton, after obtaining his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, joined the Kitt Peak National Observatory in 1964 where he currently holds an Emeritus Astronomer position. He is the President of Belton Space Exploration Initiatives, LLC and is an active researcher of Planetary Science, most recently as the Deputy Principal Investigator of the Deep Impact mission to Comet Tempel 1. He was the Galileo Imaging Team Leader and chaired the Solar System Decadal Survey. In recognition of his contributions to Planetary Science, the Division for Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society presented him the Gerard P. Kuiper Prize in 1995.
Dr. Belton’s scientific career spans research on terrestrial planets to Jovian planets and on small bodies. Therefore this symposium is appropriately titled “Belton Symposium: Journey Through the Solar System.”
We anticipate a scientifically productive Symposium covering a range of Solar System topics. The invited speakers for the Symposium are:
- Michael A’Hearn
- Joe Alexander
- Erik Asphaug
- Clark Chapman
- Anita Cochran
- Yan Fernández
- Ronald Greeley
- Don Hunten
- Jim Head
- Sethanne Howard
- Andy Ingersoll
- Wing Ip
- Ken Klassen
- Karen Meech
- Bruce Murray
- Gerhard Neukum
- Bob Pappalardo
- Nalin Samarasinha
- Hy Spinrad
- Peter Thomas
- Joe Veverka
- Peter Wehinger
- Sue Wyckoff
The Symposium will end with a presentation by Dr. Belton himself.
We invite members of the Planetary Science community to submit abstracts for contributed presentations (at least 2/3 will be oral presentations while the rest will be posters). The presentations could be on any Solar system topic relevant to Dr. Belton’s career and interests.
Note added on September 12: The abstract submission deadline for talks/posters has passed. However we can still accept a very limited number of Late-Posters. Please submit your abstract here before October 20, 2006. The Scientific Organizing Committee will convey the acceptance of the abstracts in a timely manner.
Belton Symposium is sponsored by NOIRLab, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory of the University of Arizona, and the Planetary Science Institute. The Local Organizing Committee thanks the sponsors for their generous contributions.