Tucson Workshop on Next Generation Wide Field MultiObject Spectroscopy

October 11-October 12, 2001

Tucson, Arizona U.S.A.


The workshop structure is aimed at engendering a lively discussion on the major science drivers and the technical feasibility, and hence a significant fraction of the time in each session will be devoted to discussion. The first day of the workshop will focus on the science drivers and the second will focus on the technology and techniques for highly multiplexed MOS spectroscopy, as well as a discussion of the lessons learned from ongoing instrument and spectroscopic survey projects.

In each session on the science drivers (Day 1) there will be one or more invited talks which should briefly review the status of the field and then focus on which aspects of the science would be revolutionized by highly-multiplexed multiobject spectroscopy. Following the invited talk, there will be a structured discussion during which workshop participants are invited to present a short (1 or 2 viewgraph) comment pertinent to the discussion on the scientific drivers. Each session on technology (Day 2) will be structured with invited talks and discussion focussed on how to best serve the science drivers emerging from the science sessions.

In the spirit of having a lively discussion, we encourage workshop participants to come prepared with one or two viewgraphs to contribute to the discussion. If you wish to present something of relevance to the discussion in one of the sessions, please contact Arjun Dey (dey@noao.edu) with a brief (2-3 line) summary of what you would like to present.

Wednesday, Oct 10, 2001:

 7pm  informal get together --- cocktails & hors d'oeuvres

Thursday, 11 October 2001: Science Drivers for the Next Generation WFMOS:

 7:30am - 8:30am  Breakfast
 8:30am - 8:40am  Welcome and Intro - Arjun Dey

Session I: Galaxies and AGN Evolution
David Koo (chair)

 08:40am - 09:05am  Richard Ellis (15min talk + discussion)
 09:05am - 09:30am  Brian Boyle (15min talk + discussion)
 09:30am - 10:30am  Discussion and contributions
 10:30am - 10:45am  Coffee

Session II: Large Scale Structure
Ray Carlberg (chair)

 10:45am - 11:10am  Daniel Eisenstein (15min talk + discussion)
 11:10am - 11:35am  Andy Connolly (15min talk + discussion)
 11:35am - 12:30pm  Discussion and Contributions
 12:30pm - 01:30pm  Lunch

Session III: Stellar Populations
Rosie Wyse (chair)

01:30pm - 01:55pm Rosie Wyse (15min talk + discussion)
01:55pm - 02:20pm Heather Morrison (15min talk + discussion)
02:20pm - 03:15pm Discussion and contributions
03:15pm - 03:30pm Coffee

Session IV: Rare Populations
Mike Skrutskie (chair)

03:30pm - 03:45pm Jim Liebert (10min talk + discussion)
03:45pm - 04:00pm Xiaohui Fan (10min talk + discussion)
04:00pm - 04:15pm David Helfand (10min talk + discussion)
04:15pm - 04:30pm John Huchra (10min talk + discussion [not confirmed])
04:30pm - 05:30pm Discussion of Scientific Need for a New WFMOS Capability (Richard Ellis, chair)
05:30pm - 05:45pm Recap

Friday, Oct 12, 2001: Technological Challenges for the Next Generation WFMOS

 09:00am - 09:30am  Jeremy Mould

Session V: Telescopes: New and Improved
Jeremy Mould (chair)

 09:30am - 10:00am  Gemini as a Wide-Field Telescope -- Eric Hansen (20 min + discussion)
 10:00am - 10:30am  New concepts -- Roger Angel and Jim Burge (20min + discussion)
 10:30am - 10:45am  Coffee
 10:45am - 11:15am  New concepts -- Craig Smith (20min + discussion)

Session VI: Multiplexing Techniques and Technologies
Sam Barden (chair)

 11:15am - 12:00pm  Techniques for multiplexing -- Karl Glazebrook (20min + discussion)
 12:00pm - 01:00pm  Lunch

Session VI (continued)

 01:00pm - 01:30pm  New Spectroscopic Technologies - Sam Barden (20min + discussion)
 01:30pm - 02:00pm  MOS Concepts for large telescopes - Keith Taylor (20min + discussion)
02:00pm - 02:30pm Discussion and Contributions

Session VII: Lessons from Ongoing Projects
Mike Skrutskie (chair)

02:30pm - 02:50pm Lessons from Sloan - David Schlegel (15min + discussion)
02:50pm - 03:10pm Lessons from DEEP - Marc Davis (15min + discussion)
03:10pm - 03:30pm Lessons from IMACS - Alan Dressler (15min + discussion)
03:30pm - 03:45pm Coffee
03:45pm - 03:55pm Lessons from VIMOS - Olivier Le Fevre (15min + discussion)
03:55pm - 04:05pm Lessons from 2dF - Karl Glazebrook (5min + discussion)
 04:05pm - 05:00pm  Discussion and wrap-up (George Jacoby, chair)