rubin-rubin2017-tuesday-plenary — Video

LSST2017 Tuesday Plenary

September 20, 2017

Plenary: LSST-WFIRST Connection; Simulated Observing Strategies/Cadence Optimization Tuesday 08/15/17 9:00am - 10:30am The LSST-WFIRST Connection In an era following the launch of JWST, the "New Worlds, New Horizons" Astronomy and Astrophysics 2010 Decadal Survey outlined a vision for the US to usher in a new era of "Big Data Astrophysics". The pillars of this program are two incredibly complementary survey telescopes, LSST on the ground and WFIRST in space. While each of these programs stand on their own merits, it is broadly recognized that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts (e.g., Jain et al. 2015, arXiv:1501.07897). In this presentation, I'll introduce the complementarity of these amazing programs and specifically discuss the ways that strategic use of WFIRST can enhance the scientific return from LSST as outlined in the newly released LSST Cadence white paper. WFIRST offers a 0.28 sq deg field of view (100x HST’s visible cameras) with 0.1 arcsec pixels, and point-source sensitivities of up to 28th ABmag in 1 hour of integration (across 0.6 to 2.0 micron wavelengths). Focusing on broad astrophysics, the presentation will include topics stretching from Solar System science goals, exoplanets, stellar and galactic astrophysics, and cosmology, as well as unique opportunities through deep drilling fields and special programs. The goal of the presentation is to spark coordinated conversations between LSST and WFIRST science teams and advisory bodies to maximize the joint return from both programs. Simulated Observing Strategies and Cadence Optimization This session will provide an overview of the state of LSST Observing Strategy simulations, community analysis of these simulations, and the planned timeline and process for continuing community input. This will include a presentation of plans to solicit community white papers on Deep Drilling Fields and Mini-Surveys. Other possible topics for discussion include rolling cadence implementation, survey uniformity, simulations of survey conditions, and optimization algorithms. This session will include a presentation by Zeljko Ivezic, and the opportunity for discussion. Slides available: Use policy 

About the Video

Id: rubin-rubin2017-tuesday-plenary
Release date: September 20, 2017, 10:09 pm
Frame rate: fps

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