rubin-rubin2017-wednesday-plenary — Video

LSST2017 Wednesday Plenary

July 21, 2017

Plenary - Hidden Heroes of LSST: A Cross-Section of Contributions from Across the Project Wednesday 08/16 9:00am - 10:30am Grand Ballroom The collective work of the entire LSST Project team is needed for LSST to be a success. This plenary session is dedicated to celebrating the diverse contributions of team members across LSST's geographically distributed Project team. We will hear ~10 lightning talks and give everyone an opportunity to share “What do you do for LSST?” Slides available: Use policy

About the Video

Id: rubin-rubin2017-wednesday-plenary
Release date: July 21, 2017, 9:11 pm
Frame rate: fps

About the Object
