US ELT Program Advisory Committee
Name | Institution | Expertise |
Nancy Chanover | New Mexico State University | Planetary and satellite atmospheres |
Ian Crossfield | University of Kansas | Extrasolar planets |
Marla Geha | Yale University | Dwarf galaxies; near-field cosmology |
Mike Gladders | University of Chicago | Galaxy evolution; cosmology |
Jenny Greene | Princeton University | Supermassive black holes & galaxy evolution |
Jessica Lu | University of California, Berkeley | Star & planet formation; compact objects |
Raffaella Margutti | University of California, Berkeley | Astronomical transients |
Michael Meyer | University of Michigan | Stars & exoplanets; instrumentation |
Catherine (Caty) Pilachowski | Indiana University | Stars & stellar clusters |
Tommaso Treu | University of California, Los Angeles | Cosmology; galaxy evolution |
Alycia Weinberger | Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington |
Planet formation; circumstellar disks |
Mark Dickinson, ex officio | NSF’s NOIRlab | Galaxy formation & evolution |
Updated: 28 December 2022
Updated on December 28, 2022, 5:26 am