sci18117 — Announcement

U.S. Congressional Delegation Visits Cerro Pachon

November 14, 2018

On October 19, 2018, Gemini Observatory hosted a summit tour on Cerro Pachon for a U.S. Congressional delegation comprised of staffers from the House and Senate – Leslie Albright (House), Allen Cutler (Senate), Jean Toal Eisen (Senate), and Blaise Sheridan (Senate).

Also attending the tour were Anne Kinney (NSF Director for Mathematical & Physical Head of Astronomical Sciences), Richard Green (NSF Director of the Astronomical Sciences Division), Robert Moller (NSF Office of Legislative and Public Affairs), Jeremy Weirich (AURA VP for Corporate Strategy), and Andrew Griffin (US-Chile Embassy). The group was very engaged and impressed by Gemini's world-class facilities, agile operations, and stunning science results. Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this important event a success!

About the Announcement




Photo credit: Manuel Paredes.


Photo credit: Manuel Paredes.