sci18111 — Announcement

Chilean Students Explore the Universe During Viaje al Universo

October 17, 2018

Gemini South StarLab Operator, Dalma Valenzuela (background), taught the students of Saint Mary School in La Serena, Chile, about spectroscopy. Students decoded secret messages by peering through a color filter.

During the first week of October over 30 observatory staff from Gemini South and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory participated in Viaje al Universo which is one of Gemini Southʻs most popular public outreach programs in Chile. The aim of the program is to share the wonders of the Universe and Gemini technologies with local classrooms in Chile. The observatory professionals visited classrooms with fun, interactive presentations to encourage interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.


About the Announcement




Gemini South StarLab Operator, Dalma Valenzuela (background), taught the students of Saint Mary School in La Serena, Chile, about spectroscopy. Students decoded secret messages by peering through a color filter.