sci18106 — Announcement

Second Binational AAA-SOCHIAS Meeting in La Serena

October 17, 2018

Gemini South Staff, Fernanda Urrutia and James Turner (at right behind table), join Camila Ibarlucea (left behind table) from  AURA-O, in conversations with a participant at the AAA-SOCHIAS meeting in La Serena. In the foreground,  Gemini South fellow Gonzalo Diaz (back turned) and the Argentinian Gemini user Damián Mast, chatting during one of the breaks of the conference.


The Second Binational joint Argentine Association of Astronomy and Chilean Astronomical Society (AAA-SOCHIAS) meeting was held in La Serena, Chile during the week of October 8-12th. Participants could visit Gemini South and there were many exciting Gemini results presented. There were more than 250 participants at the meeting. Additionally, many Gemini staff attended and answered questions at the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) booth.


About the Announcement




Gemini South Staff, Fernanda Urrutia and James Turner (at right behind table), join Camila Ibarlucea (left behind table) from AURA-O, in conversations with a participant at the AAA-SOCHIAS meeting in La Serena. In the foreground, Gemini South fellow Gonzalo Diaz (back turned) and the Argentinian Gemini user Damián Mast, chatting during one of the breaks of the conference.