sci18105 — Announcement

Gemini North TOPTICA Laser First Light

October 17, 2018

First Light of the TOPTICA laser at Gemini North. The much anticipated propagation on-sky of the laser was captured in this image by Gemini astronomer Jason Chu during laser commissioning at Gemini North on October 1, 2018.

With the completion of the TOPTICA laser installation and system support services work, the commissioning team proceeded with on-sky testing of the laser upgrade project during the first week of October. The team is thankful for the support provided by Gemini South AO staff who assisted with the testing. A few more adjustments remain before we can resume regular laser operations. Watch for updates in early November and in the next e-Newscast.



About the Announcement




First Light of the TOPTICA laser at Gemini North. The much anticipated propagation on-sky of the laser was captured in this image by Gemini astronomer Jason Chu during laser commissioning at Gemini North on October 1, 2018.


Gemini SOS Adam Smith (lower left), conducts laser commissioning tests as the laser team looks on. Photo Credit: Jeff Donahue