sci18061 — Announcement

Octocam Preliminary Design Review

April 18, 2018

The Octocam Preliminary Design Review participants including review committee members, team members from SwRI, Fractal, STScI, and George Washington University, an invited consultant from Johns Hopkins University, and Gemini staff.


The Octocam team completed its Preliminary Design Review on the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) campus in San Antonio, Texas on April 4th – 5th. Community interest in Octocam allowed us to field a very experienced review committee and the location of the meeting allowed a large number of SwRI staff members to attend. The Octocam team now has a few actions to work through in response to committee findings and will work with Gemini management to form a plan at a meeting at SwRI later this month.


About the Announcement




The Octocam Preliminary Design Review participants including review committee members, team members from SwRI, Fractal, STScI, and George Washington University, an invited consultant from Johns Hopkins University, and Gemini staff.