sci18050 — Announcement

New NGO staff visit Gemini N & S

February 19, 2018

Joel Roediger presents a colloquium at Gemini South on his GMOS results related to “Calibrating Stellar Population Synthesis Models with Galactic Globular Clusters.”

Several National Gemini Offices (NGOs) have recently hired new staff who have come to visit Gemini for training. David Herrera from the US NGO visited Gemini South in November where he focused on data reduction: since he will be helping out with data reduction helpdesk tickets. Jacqueline Keane from the University of Hawai‘i NGO visited Gemini North in December, primarily to learn about providing phase II support. Mateus Angelo from the Brazilian NGO visited Gemini South in January and focused on Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) support: watch for his posts on the Data Reduction User Forum. Finally, Joel Roediger is currently visiting Gemini South and also focusing on GMOS support.


About the Announcement




Joel Roediger presents a colloquium at Gemini South on his GMOS results related to “Calibrating Stellar Population Synthesis Models with Galactic Globular Clusters.


Joel Roediger presents a colloquium at Gemini South on his GMOS results related to “Calibrating Stellar Population Synthesis Models with Galactic Globular Clusters.