sci17097 — Announcement

Gemini North Telescope Scheduled Shutdown

August 9, 2017

Steve Hardash (left), Cooper Nakayama (above, right) and JR Agno (center, below) guide the removal of a top shutter chain from Gemini North’s dome. Photo by Joy Pollard

The Gemini North telescope began a scheduled shutdown on July 10, 2017 for repairs and maintenance. Work is now ongoing to upgrade the shutter drive system, as well as to perform maintenance on the Acquisition and Guidance (A&G) system and other instruments as well. The shutdown tasks are progressing smoothly and Gemini North is expected to be back on the sky by August 25, as originally planned.


About the Announcement




Steve Hardash (left), Cooper Nakayama (above, right) and JR Agno (center, below) guide the removal of a top shutter chain from Gemini North’s dome. Photo by Joy Pollard