sci17051 — Announcement

AURA/Gemini – Keeping Chilean Astronomy in Chile

February 15, 2017

Ricardo Salinas (left) and Morten Andersen (center) discussing Gemini capabilities with a potential user at the booth of Gemini during the SOCHIAS meeting in Chile.

In late January 2017 several Gemini staff joined in the XIV Annual Meeting of the Chilean Astronomical Society (SOCHIAS) held at the Marbella resort in Maitencillo, Chile.

“Interacting with our users throughout the Gemini community is critical to us, and conferences as well as workshops are a wonderful way for us to meet with our users and interact in meaningful ways,” says Joanna Thomas-Osip who leads Gemini’s Science User Support Department. Joanna adds that Gemini is always looking for opportunities to participate in our user’s conferences, meetings, and workshops – so don’t hesitate to contact her with suggestions for ways that Gemini can help.



Joanna Thomas-Osip
Gemini’s Science User Support Department

About the Announcement




Ricardo Salinas (left) and Morten Andersen (center) discussing Gemini capabilities with a potential user at the booth of Gemini during the SOCHIAS meeting in Chile.