sci17006 — Announcement

Preliminary announcement: 2017 TMT Science Forum in Mysore, India

February 28, 2017

Mark Dickinson (NOAO)

The next Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) Science Forum will be held in Mysore, India, during the week of 6–10 November 2017 (exact dates still to be finalized). Each year, the Forum gathers members of the international astronomical community to meet, collaborate, and plan for future TMT science programs. It is the premier opportunity to learn about TMT, to discuss its science capabilities, and to join in shaping the observatory’s future.

The theme for the 2017 Forum is “TMT: Beyond First Light”. Plans for TMT’s first-generation instrumentation and adaptive optics systems are quite mature, and the time is ripe to start planning new capabilities beyond first light. Some conversations began at the last TMT Forum in Kyoto, Japan (see presentations at, and the TMT International Observatory plans to launch feasibility studies for future-generation instruments later this year. The Forum in Mysore will be an important opportunity to foster discussion and to deepen collaboration among members of the international TMT community in instrumentation and operations planning for the observatory’s future beyond first light.

Mysore, a fascinating and attractive city with many famous palaces, is situated about 150 km from Bangalore (home of the nearest international airport). The surrounding area features national parks, wildlife and bird sanctuaries, charming villages and temples, waterfalls, and many other attractions (see

Registration for the 2017 Forum will open soon, with an official first announcement that will provide detailed information about the meeting program, venue, lodging, and travel. There will also be information about National Science Foundation travel support for US community astronomers to attend the TMT Science Forum.

Stay tuned, and save the dates!

About the Announcement




India TMT