sci13017 — Announcement

"Big" Winner of Australian Student Imaging Contest

February 13, 2013

Australian high school senior Ryan Soares won the most recent Australian Gemini Schools Imaging Contest with a large mosaic image of NGC 7232 and its surroundings obtained from Gemini South. The contest, sponsored by the Australian Gemini Office, and entering its 5th year, asks students to suggest targets to be imaged by Gemini as part of the Australian time allocation. Learn more and see additional photos at

The galaxies NGC 7232B (at left), NGC7233 (top right), and NGC 7232 (right of center) are featured in the latest winner of the Australian/Gemini Student Imaging Contest. The data were obtained in 2012 at the Gemini South telescope in Chile using the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) and the color composite image produced by Travis Rector, University of Alaska Anchorage.

About the Announcement




The galaxies NGC 7232B (at left), NGC7233 (top right), and NGC 7232 (right of center) are featured in the latest winner of the Australian/Gemini Student Imaging Contest. The data were obtained in 2012 at the Gemini South telescope in Chile using the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) and the color composite image produced by Travis Rector, University of Alaska Anchorage.