sci10007 — Announcement

NOAO and the 2010 Decadal Survey Report

July 31, 2010

David Silva, Director, National Optical Astronomy Observatory

The 2010 Decadal Survey report opens exciting new windows of opportunity for ground-based optical/infrared astronomy and envisions a strong leadership role for NOAO over the next decade. In particular, the report

  • Endorses the concept of the US O/IR System and the valuable role NOAO plays within it. This perspective is supported by recommendations for continued Telescope System Instrumentation Program (TSIP) funding and the development of a new mid-scale initiatives program.
  • Recommends increasing the US share in the Gemini Observatory in parallel with the consolidation of Gemini and NOAO to reduce the total combined cost and to better serve the interests of the US community.
  • Strongly endorses the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) project and the leadership of NOAO in the construction, operation, community user support, and coordination of System-wide follow-up programs.
  • Makes the explicit assumption that NOAO will be the Federal partner in a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope (GSMT) project following a down select between GMT and TMT.

While NOAO looks forward to working closely with the community to take full advantage of the new exciting opportunities as they emerge at Gemini, LSST, and GSMT, we will also continue to work closely with the community to demonstrate how the suite of smaller aperture facilities in the US System is highly relevant in the LSST and GSMT era and deserve continued NSF funding and broad community support.

I believe strongly that our 4-m class facilities have many more years of scientific productivity ahead. New world-class, workhorse instruments are on their way in both hemispheres and major new survey projects will begin soon. Looking further ahead, 4-m class telescopes will be critical tools for LSST follow-up programs.

In summary: I foresee a lively and exciting decade ahead for the ground-based O/IR community and for NOAO!

About the Announcement




LSST rendering (left) and summit facility design (right)