sci21133 — Announcement

Gemini Observatory LLPs not solicited in 2022

December 22, 2021

Proposals for Gemini Observatory Large and Long Programs (LLP) are usually accepted annually, with a Call for Letters of Intent to Propose issued in early December of the year preceding the start of the new programs. 

Because there is insufficient time available in the first year of the cycle (22B and 23A) to support the usual LLP time allocation process, new LLP proposals will not be solicited for 2022. Deferring the LLP call for one year also preserves a larger pool of LLP time in 23B/24A, which can be used, for example, to take advantage of GHOST, the new instrument coming to Gemini South. The pause in LLP solicitation has been approved by Gemini Observatory’s Science and Technology Advisory Committee and the Gemini Board.

During 2022, Gemini Observatory encourages the community to apply for time via the other available modes which include the regular semesterly call, and monthly Fast Turnaround calls, as well as Director’s Discretionary Time. We look forward to exciting new LLP proposals for 2023!

About the Announcement



A Sign of the Zodiac

International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/Kwon O Chul