sci24052 — Announcement

GHOST data for 2024A are reduced and available to PIs on the Gemini Archive

August 28, 2024

The US NGO, in collaboration with the Science User Support department (SUSD) and GHOST instrument team at Gemini, provided reduced data products to PIs of GHOST programs from all Gemini partner countries in the 2024A semester. Between March and July 2024, 1208 spectra were reduced (96% of 1254 observed) and made available to PIs through the Gemini Observatory Archive. In addition, 834 calibration frames were also reduced. 

As GHOST programs were executed during the semester, every science frame was bias subtracted, flat corrected, wavelength calibrated, sky subtracted, and corrected for barycentric motion. Multiple exposures for the same object were not stacked and flux calibration / telluric corrections were not performed by default. The US NGO staff conducted a basic visual inspection and data quality assessment. We urge PIs to carefully inspect the FITS outputs to assess whether these files can be used for scientific purposes or additional steps are required during the data reduction process.

The support and feedback from the user community have been extremely positive. This effort has already started for 2024B and will continue for upcoming semesters. Please contact the US NGO staff at with any questions or feedback.

About the Announcement
