2014 KPNO REU Students

Jamison Burke (NOAO; Swarthmore College)
“LSST Site: Sky Brightness Data”
Advisor: Dr. Chuck Claver

Samantha Brunker (NOAO; University of Kansas)
“Studying Active Asteroids using pODI”
Advisors: Dr. Susan Ridgway and Dr. Jayadev Rajagopal

Belinda Cheeseboro (NOAO; Andrews University)
“AGN Through the Eyes of WISE”
Advisor: Dr. Dara Norman

Kyle Lackey (NOAO; University of South Carolina)
“Through the Lens of COSMOS: Lithium in Lupus 3”
Advisor: Dr. Jay Elias

Marcus Lee (NOAO; Tohono O’odham Community College)
“Characterizing and Classifying Variables from LSST”
Advisor: Dr. Gautham Narayam

Anna Payne (NOAO; Wellesley College)
“Analyzing Hydrogen Recombination Lines in the Infrared and Optical to Determine Extinction and SFRs of Local LIRGs”
Advisor: Dr. Hanae Inami

Updated on June 17, 2024, 10:13 am