2013 CTIO REU+PIA Student Program

The 2013 REU/PIA Student Program

Student & Institution Mentors Project Ttle

Brian Chinn

University of Florida, Gainesville

Chris Smith

Sean Points

Steve Heathcote

Understanding the Balmer Bubble in Vela Supernova Remnant

Alexander Deich

Humboldt State University

Alexandre Roman

Andrea Kunder

Photometric Analysis of Clusters in the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Survey

Emily Finney

Scripps College, Claremont

Mischa Schirmer

Karianne Holhjem

Analysis of Redshifts for a Sample of Galaxy Clusters

Briana Indahl

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Peter Pessev

A search for carbon-rich AGB stars in the Milky Way Globular Clusters

Lois Smith

University of Colorado, Boulder

Tiago Ribeiro

Near-infrared Photometry of Low Accretion Rate Polars

Molly Williams

Eastern Kentucky University

Catherine Kaleida

The Size Scales of Stellar Groupings in NGC 628 and NGC 2841

Diego Calderón

Universidad de Concepción y

Universidad de Chile

Percy Gomez Analysis of the Velocity Data of Cluster A562

Updated on June 24, 2024, 4:33 am