
NOIRLab TAC Results and Statistics 2010A


NOAO Proposal Statistics by Telescope and Instrument for 2010A

The following tables list 2010A proposal request statistics for telescopes and instruments in the US ground-based observing system coordinated by NOAO. Only the 429 new proposals submitted to the 2010A NOAO TAC are included here (not Surveys, NASA GO programs, or ongoing long-term programs).

Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
CT-4m   51   69 239.6   81.0   34 3.5
    HYDRA     9   12   44.0   27.0   61 3.7
    ISPI     7     8   20.5     2.0   10 2.6
    MOSAIC   17   19   76.6   37.0   48 4.0
    NEWFIRM   15   19   72.5     0.0     0 3.8
    RCSP     8     9   23.0   15.0   65 2.6
    VIS     1     2     3.0     0.0     0 1.5
SOAR   32   37 119.0   37.5   32 3.2
    Goodman   11   11   41.0   14.0   34 3.7
    OSIRIS   10   10   30.5     0.0     0 3.0
    SOI   12   15   42.5   23.5   55 2.8
    Spartan     1     1     5.0     0.0     0 5.0
CT-1.5m   10   12   44.0     2.0     5 3.7
    CSPEC     7     7   26.0     2.0     8 3.7
    FECH     3     5   18.0     0.0     0 3.6
CT-1.3m   12   16   51.9     0.0     0 3.2
    ANDI   12   16   51.9     0.0     0 3.2
CT-1.0m     8   10   66.0   34.0   52 6.6
    CFIM     8   10   66.0   34.0   52 6.6
CT-0.9m   11   18 103.7   40.2   39 5.8
    CFIM   11   18 103.7   40.2   39 5.8

Kitt Peak National Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
KP-4m   42   49 173.6   57.0   33 3.5
    ECH     7     7   37.0     3.0     8 5.3
    FLMN     6     8   28.0     0.0     0 3.5
    MARS     1     1     3.0     3.0 100 3.0
    MOSA   10   13   38.6   28.0   73 3.0
    RCSP   19   20   67.0   23.0   34 3.4
WIYN   34   47 167.6   81.0   48 3.6
    HYDR   16   18   64.0   44.0   69 3.6
    MIMO     8     8   33.6   32.0   95 4.2
    OPTIC     5     5   13.0     5.0   38 2.6
    SPCKL     2     2     6.0     0.0     0 3.0
    SPSPK     2     3     6.0     0.0     0 2.0
    WHIRC     5   11   45.0     0.0     0 4.1
KP-2.1m   19   31 175.0   61.0   35 5.6
    CFIM     6   14   70.0   53.0   76 5.0
    EXPRT     2     6   37.0     0.0     0 6.2
    FLMN     2     2   12.0     3.0   25 6.0
    GCAM     8     8   46.0     5.0   11 5.8
    SQIID     1     1   10.0     0.0     0 10.0
KP-0.9m     7     8   42.0   20.0   48 5.2
    CFIM     1     1     5.0     5.0 100 5.0
    MOSA     7     7   37.0   15.0   41 5.3

Gemini North

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-N 150 195 235.1 100.7   43 1.2
    GMOSN   72   91 101.2   78.2   77 1.1
    HDS     3     3     5.0     1.0   20 1.7
    HIRESKeck     4     5     7.5     3.0   40 1.5
    MOIRCS     3     4     6.5     2.0   31 1.6
    Michelle   11   13   10.7     1.0     9 0.8
    NIFS   21   25   36.2     5.5   15 1.4
    NIRI   42   47   56.5     4.0     7 1.2
    SuprimeCam     7     7   11.5     6.0   52 1.6

Gemini South

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
GEM-S   64   76   81.9   20.9   25 1.1
    GMOSS   35   43   36.0   20.9   58 0.8
    NICI     7     7     9.7     0.0     0 1.4
    PHNX   14   14   24.7     0.0     0 1.8
    TReCS     8   12   11.5     0.0     0 1.0

Las Campanas Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
Magellan-I     7     7   12.0     7.0   58 1.7
    IMACS     5     5     8.0     5.0   63 1.6
    MagIC     1     1     2.0     2.0 100 2.0
    PANIC     1     1     2.0     0.0     0 2.0
Magellan-II     8     8   16.0     7.0   44 2.0
    MIKE     7     7   14.0     5.0   36 2.0
    MagE     1     1     2.0     2.0 100 2.0

MMT Observatory

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
MMT   17   18   38.2   31.0   81 2.1
    BCHAN     2     2     5.0     5.0 100 2.5
    CLIO     1     2     4.0     0.0     0 2.0
    Hectochelle     4     4     6.2     3.0   48 1.6
    Hectospec     7     7   19.0   19.0 100 2.7
    MAESTRO     2     2     3.0     3.0 100 1.5
    RCHAN     1     1     1.0     1.0 100 1.0

Mt. Palomar

Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
Hale   10   11   24.0   12.0   50 2.2
    DBSP     5     5   15.0   12.0   80 3.0
    TSpec     5     6     9.0     0.0     0 1.5


Telescope/Instrument    Proposals       "Runs"       Total Nights    Dark Nights Percentage
CHARA   10   13   17.1     0.0     0 1.3
    Classic     5     5   11.4     0.0     0 2.3
    MIRC     4     7     5.1     0.0     0 0.7
    VEGA     1     1     0.6     0.0     0 0.6

NOAO Approved Programs for 2010A

Approved NOAO Survey Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
van Dokkum, Pieter Yale University The NEWFIRM Medium Band Survey II: Hunting Monster Galaxies 2010A-0015 CTIO 4m 12

Approved Chandra Programs

PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
De Luca, Andrea Instituto Nazionale di Astrofisica A Deep Chandra/NOAO Investigation to Identify the Counterpart of an old pulsar discovered in Gamma Rays 2009B-0903 KPNO 4m 1
Long, Knox Space Telescope Science Institute The Luminous Supernova Remnant in NGC4449: Charting the Fughre for SN 1987A 2009B-0904 MMT MMT 1


Approved Long Term Programs


PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Flohic, Helene University of California, Irvine Determining the Structure of an AGN Accretion Disk through Spectroscopic Monitoring of a Double-Peaked Emitter 2009B-0321 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 2.8
Geller, Aaron University of Wisconsin, Madison A Study Of Anomalous Stars and Binary Populations Within Open Clusters: Tests Of Theoretical Models 2009A-0161 KPNO WIYN 7
Huchra, John Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Mapping the Nearby Universe: The 2MASS Redshift Survey 2009A-0267 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4
Lepine, Sebastien American Museum of Natural History A complete census of Galactic white dwarfs to 40 parsecs of the Sun. 2009B-0341 KPNO 2.1m 7
Lepine, Sebastien American Museum of Natural History A complete census of Galactic white dwarfs to 40 parsecs of the Sun. 2009B-0341 KPNO 4m 4
Long, Knox

Space Telescope Science Institute

Fighting for accretion: the origing of low states in cataclysmic variables 2010A-0243 CTIO 1.3m 1
Metcalfe, Travis High Altitude Observatory Activity Cycles of Southern Asteroseismic Targets 2008B-0039 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4.4
Richardson, Noel Georgia State University Spectroscopic Monitoring of Luminous Blue Variables 2009B-0153 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4.9
Sahu, Kailash Space Telescope Science Institute Detecting Isolated Black Holes through HST Astrometry and SMARTS Photometry of Microlensing Events 2010A-0371 CTIO 1.3m 4
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 CTIO 0.9m 7
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 CTIO SOAR 2
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.24
Trilling, David Northern Arizona University High quality optical photometry of NEOs in support of a Warm Spitzer program 2010A-0476 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.31


Approved Regular Programs


PI Institution Proposal Title Prop. ID Site Tel. Nts.
Allen, Peter Franklin & Marshall College A Multi-Epoch Survey for Faint, Close, Low-Mass Tertiaries to Nearby Spectroscopic Binaries: The Second Epoch 2010A-0061 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.8
Allen, Lori National Optical Astronomy Observatory The Fourth Galactic Quadrant: NEWFIRM Imaging of Southern Massive Star Forming Regions 2010A-0428 CTIO 4m 7
Allers, Katelyn Bucknell University A Novel Approach to Finding New Brown Dwarfs in Ophiuchus 2010A-0326 CTIO 4m 2
An, Deokkeun California Institute of Technology Pleiades-like Stars in the Hipparcos Catalog 2010A-0305 KPNO 4m 4.5
Anthony-Twarog, Barbara University of Kansas Extended Stromgren Photometry in the Intermediate-age Open Cluster, NGC 5822 2010A-0071 CTIO 0.9m 5
Bakos, Gaspar Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Confirmation spectroscopy of HATNet transiting exoplanet candidates using Keck-I/HIRES 2010A-0127 GEM-N GEM-N 0.5
Balogh, Michael University of Waterloo The transition of galaxy groups from an invigorating environment to a suffocating one 2010A-0250 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.4
Barlow, Brad University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill HYPER-MUCHFUSS - Follow up 2010A-0318 CTIO SOAR 4
Bauer, James Jet Propulsion Laboratory Physical Characterization of WISE discoveries 2010A-0383 CTIO SOAR 4
Biller, Beth University of Hawaii A Systematic Survey for Very Young Planetary Mass Objects 2010A-0335 CTIO 4m 2
Bock, James California Institute of Technology First Science from HerMES: the final starbursts in massive galaxies at 0.5<z<1.0 2010A-0191 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2
Bond, Howard Space Telescope Science Institute SMARTS Monitoring of the Exotic Variable Star V838 Monocerotis 2010A-0382 CTIO 1.3m 1.6
Bond, Howard Space Telescope Science Institute SMARTS Monitoring of the Exotic Variable Star V838 Monocerotis 2010A-0382 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 0.5
Bornak, Jillian New Mexico State University Evolution of Classical Novae Dust Shells 2010A-0134 CTIO 1.0m 4
Boroson, Todd National Optical Astronomy Observatory A Systematic Search for the Dynamical Signature of Close Supermassive Binary Black Holes 2010A-0181 KPNO 4m 6
Boroson, Todd National Optical Astronomy Observatory A Systematic Search for the Dynamical Signature of Close Supermassive Binary Black Holes 2010A-0181   Hale 4
Bresolin, Fabio University of Hawaii Testing for azimuthal abundance gradients in spiral galaxies: M101 2010A-0109 KPNO 4m 3
Briley, Michael University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh Observational Constraints on Deep Mixing in Globular Red Giants 2010A-0388 KPNO 4m 4.5
Bryngelson, Ginger Clemson University Physics of Supernovae Ia at Late Epochs 2009B-0448 KPNO 4m 1
Bryngelson, Ginger Clemson University Physics of Supernovae Ia at Late Epochs 2010A-0423 KPNO 4m 5
Bubar, Eric Joseph University of Rochester Tracing Supernova Enrichment of the Nearest Young Star Forming Complex with High Resolution Stellar Spectroscopy 2010A-0349 KPNO 4m 3
Campbell, Ryan Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory CTIO REU/PIA Observations: Photometry of Polars 2010A-0006 CTIO 1.0m 8
Capellupo, Daniel University of Florida Probing Quasar Outflows via Short-Time Variability 2010A-0433 KPNO 2.1m 5
Carlin, Jeffrey University of Virginia Fixing the Extragalactic Reference Frame For the Proper Motion of the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal 2010A-0381 CTIO 4m 3
Carson, Joseph Max Planck Institut fur Astronomie Coldest Imaged Companion of a Sun-Like Star 2010A-0136 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.5
Ciardi, David NASA Exoplanet Science Institute High Spatial Resolution Observations of CoRoT Exo-planetary Candidates 2010A-0126 KPNO WIYN 3
Ciardullo, Robin Pennsylvania State University The Kinematics of Virgo's Intracluster Stars 2010A-0465 KPNO WIYN 4
Close, Laird University of Arizona The First Thermal Images of the Planetary Mass Prototype Object 2M1207b: Does it have an Edge-On Disk? 2010A-0170 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Cobb, Bethany University of California, Berkeley Optical/IR Follow-Up of Gamma-Ray Bursts from SMARTS 2010A-0113 CTIO 1.3m 4
Cobb, Bethany University of California, Berkeley Exceptional Swift and Fermi GRBs: Gemini South Targets of Opportunity 2010A-0420 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.3
Cobb, Bethany University of California, Berkeley Exceptional Swift and Fermi GRBs: Gemini North Targets of Opportunity 2010A-0421 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.58
Cochran, Anita University of Texas, Austin Keck HIRESb Observations of Comet 81P/Wild2: Unraveling the Chemistry of Comets 2010A-0100 GEM-N GEM-N 0.5
Constantin, Anca James Madison University Deciphering the least luminous AGN-like LINER and constraining the M_ BH - ^* relation 2010A-0195 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.3
Cook, Jason Southwest Research Institute Searching for Gaseous CO in Pluto's Atmosphere 2010A-0228 GEM-S GEM-S 1.5
Coughlin, Jeffrey New Mexico State University Near-Infrared Secondary Eclipse Measurements of Multiple Transiting Exoplanets 2010A-0425 KPNO 2.1m 6.5
Covey, Kevin Cornell University Testing Models of YSO Disk Heating via Accretion Shocks 2010A-0427 KPNO 4m 6.5
Crenshaw, D Michael Georgia State University The Connection Between Fueling Flows and Outflows in Active Galaxies: The Case of Markarian 3 2010A-0186 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.6
Crotts, Arlin Columbia University The Echo from Supernova 1987A 2010A-0072 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 2
Csizmadia, Szilard German Aerospace Center 3D ORBITS IN THE HIERARCHICAL TRIPLE SYSTEM LAMBDA TAURI 2010A-0141   CHARA 1.6
Davies, Jonathan Cardiff University H_(alpha) observations of NGC4254 and its surrounding regions. 2010A-0005 KPNO 4m 3.5
De Marco, Orsola Macquarie University Do most planetary nebulae come from binaries? 2010A-0148 KPNO WIYN 4.5
de Propris, Roberto National Optical Astronomy Observatory Gas in Galaxies at Redshift z ~ 0.32 2010A-0089 CTIO 4m 7
de Propris, Roberto Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory The triple sequence of NGC 2808: exploring the stellar abundances 2010A-0357   Magellan-II 3
Dell'Antonio, Ian Brown University OPTIC Observations of Clusters: Testing PSF-Induced Biases in OT Guided Weak Lensing Analyses 2010A-0385 KPNO WIYN 3
Deming, Drake NASA Goddard Space Flight Center An Exoplanet Radius and Transit Timing Survey 2010A-0309 KPNO 2.1m 6.5
Dey, Arjun National Optical Astronomy Observatory Probing the Low-Mass End of the Galaxy Mass Function at z~2: A Survey for Low-z Ly(alpha) Emitters 2010A-0062 KPNO 4m 4
Dhital, Saurav Vanderbilt University Measuring the Magnetic Activity and Dynamical Evolution of M dwarfs 2010A-0339 KPNO 2.1m 6.5
Dieterich, Sergio Georgia State University Probing Stellar Physics at the Bottom of the Main Sequence: Continuing to Map the Optical Color Space for Spectral Types M6V to L5 2010A-0185 CTIO SOAR 4
Dietrich, Matthias Ohio State University Probing early stages of AGN evolution: Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s and Broad Absorption Line Quasars 2010A-0230 KPNO 4m 3
Donehew, Brian Clemson University Balmer Discontinuity Veiling as a measure of Mass Accretion Rates in Herbig Ae/Be stars 2010A-0251 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4.5
Dupree, Andrea Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Sleuthing the Abundance of Helium in Omega Centauri 2010A-0392 GEM-S GEM-S 3
Egami, Eiichi University of Arizona Gemini/Palomar Near-IR Spectroscopy of Powerful H_2 Emission from Brightest Cluster Galaxies 2010A-0484 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.3
Elias-Rosa, Nancy Spitzer Science Center Observations of Core-Collapse Supernovae with Candidate Progenitor Identifications. 2010A-0315 CTIO 1.3m 2
Elias-Rosa, Nancy Spitzer Science Center Observations of Core-Collapse Supernovae with Candidate Progenitor Identifications. 2010A-0315 CTIO SOAR-TOO  
Ellingson, Erica University of Colorado A Wide-Field Multi-Wavelength Study of RCS Galaxy Clusters: Tracing Star Formation from the Field to Cluster Cores 2010A-0452 CTIO 4m 4
Ellison, Sara University of Victoria Accurate redshifts for distant quasars: probing massive galaxies through QSO absorption lines 2010A-0210 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.3
Erickson, Kristen University of Missouri, St. Louis Spectroscopic Confirmation of Young Stars in the Serpens Molecular Cloud: Placing Spitzer and Chandra in Context 2010A-0293 KPNO WIYN 4
Esch, Lisa Yale University Determining the Helium Abundance of Pulsating Blue Subdwarfs in Clusters through Asteroseismology 2010A-0160 CTIO SOAR 3
Faherty, Jacqueline American Museum of Natural History The Brown Dwarf Kinematics Project: Parallaxes for Southern Low Luminosity Brown Dwarfs 2010A-0260 CTIO 4m 4
Faherty, Jacqueline American Museum of Natural History Deciphering the Classical T Tauri Phase in Very Low Mass Stars: Photometric Monitoring of TWA30AB 2010A-0469 CTIO 1.3m 1
Fan, Xiaohui University of Arizona Probing Black Hole Growth in the Earliest Luminous Quasars 2010A-0105   Hale 2
Farihi, Jay University of Leicester The Origin of Metals in Cool White Dwarfs: Disrupted Minor Planets or Interstellar Gas? 2010A-0092 MMT MMT 1
Fox, Derek Pennsylvania State University Gamma-Ray Bursts: From Progenitors to Probes 2010A-0405 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.31
Fox, Derek Pennsylvania State University Gamma-Ray Bursts: From Progenitors to Probes 2010A-0422 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.34
Fraisse, Aurelien Princeton University Towards a Complete View of the High Galactic Latitude Dust Polarization Pattern 2010A-0454 CTIO 0.9m 10
Frebel, Anna Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Testing for the existence of massive Population III stars with stellar archaeology 2010A-0395 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.1
Freeland, Emily Texas A & M University Confirmation of an End-On Bar in NGC-6503 2010A-0408 KPNO 4m 3
French, Linda Illinois Wesleyan University Phase Curves of Jovian Trojan Asteroids 2010A-0400 CTIO 0.9m 7
French, Linda Illinois Wesleyan University Phase Curves of Jovian Trojan Asteroids 2010A-0400 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 4.5
Gal-Yam, Avishay Weizmann Institute of Science Identifying progenitors of core-collapse supernovae 2010A-0053 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.1
Gawiser, Eric Rutgers University Ly(alpha) Emitting Galaxies at z=2.1: Characterizing the Progenitors of Typical Present-day Galaxies 2010A-0460 CTIO 4m 4
Ge, Jian University of Florida Follow-up studies of SDSS-III MARVELS survey planet candidates 2010A-0439 KPNO 2.1m 16
Gerke, Brian SLAC National Accerlerator Laboratory Follow-up of candidate dual-SMBH galaxies with long-slit spectroscopy 2010A-0377 GEM-N GEM-NQ 4
Gerke, Brian SLAC National Accerlerator Laboratory Follow-up of candidate dual-SMBH galaxies with long-slit spectroscopy 2010A-0377 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2
Gies, Douglas Georgia State University Massive Eclipsing Binary Stars 2010A-0152 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 5
Glazebrook, Karl Swinburne University of Technology Resolving the kinematics of high-redshift galaxy assembly 2010A-0115 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.5
Gutermuth, Robert Smith College Synoptic Monitoring of YSOs in Four Young Custers with FLAMINGOS and Spitzer 2010A-0330 KPNO 4m 4
Hanes, Dave Queen's University Dynamical Modelling of the Dark Halo, Black Hole, and Orbital Structure in NGC4649 2010A-0269 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.55
Hanson, Margaret University of Cincinnati Massive binaries in the Local Group's most massive young cluster 2010A-0067 CTIO 1.3m 2.5
Hanson, Margaret University of Cincinnati Massive binaries in the Local Group's most massive young cluster 2010A-0067 CTIO SOAR 6
Hargis, Jonathan Indiana University Mosaic Imaging of Globular Cluster Systems in the Outer Regions of Elliptical Galaxies 2010A-0080 KPNO 4m 5
Harrison, Thomas New Mexico State University An Astrometric Calibration of Population II Distance Indicators 2010A-0055 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 0.5
Hartigan, Patrick Rice University Star Formation, Globules, Outflows and Clusters in Carina OB1 2010A-0234 CTIO 4m 8
Hebb, Leslie Vanderbilt University Calibrating Stellar Evolution Models and Defining the Radius-Activity and -Metallicity Relations for M dwarfs 2010A-0111 CTIO 1.0m 7
Hebb, Leslie Vanderbilt University Calibrating Stellar Evolution Models and Defining the Radius-Activity and -Metallicity Relations for M dwarfs 2010A-0111 KPNO 2.1m 7
Herrmann, Kimberly Lowell Observatory The Stellar Kinematics of Outer Disks: Evidence for Halo Substructure? 2010A-0190 KPNO 4m 3
Hillwig, Todd Valparaiso University Determining the System Parameters for Poorly Studied Binary Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae: Spectroscopy 2010A-0254 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Hinkle, Kenneth National Optical Astronomy Observatory Orbital Survey of Red Giant - White Dwarf SNe Ia Progenitors 2010A-0225 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 4
Howell, Steve National Optical Astronomy Observatory Speckle Imaging and Spectroscopy of Kepler Exo-planet Transit Candidate Stars 2010A-0079 KPNO 2.1m 5
Howell, Steve National Optical Astronomy Observatory Speckle Imaging and Spectroscopy of Kepler Exo-planet Transit Candidate Stars 2010A-0079 KPNO 4m 4
Howell, Steve National Optical Astronomy Observatory Speckle Imaging and Spectroscopy of Kepler Exo-planet Transit Candidate Stars 2010A-0079 KPNO WIYN 4
Howell, D. Andrew University of California, Santa Barbara UV and Early-time Studies of the Evolution of Type Ia Supernovae 2010A-0224 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.7
Howell, D. Andrew University of California, Santa Barbara UV and Early-time Studies of the Evolution of Type Ia Supernovae 2010A-0229 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.65
Hrivnak, Bruce Valparaiso University Testing the Binary Hypothesis for Bipolar Proto-Planetery Nebulae 2010A-0102 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.5
Hynes, Robert Louisiana State University Eclipsing and Variable X-ray Binaries in the Galactic Bulge Survey 2010A-0410 CTIO 4m 8
Ibata, Rodrigo Observatoire de Strasbourg What is the nature of the dark matter: cold or warm? Imprints on the tidal stream of Pal 5 2010A-0088 KPNO 4m 4.5
Indriolo, Nick University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Using H_3^+ Observations to Estimate the Interstellar H_2 Temperature 2010A-0203 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.4
Jacoby, George National Optical Astronomy Observatory Spectroscopic Confirmation of Very Old Planetary Nebula Candidates 2010A-0205 KPNO WIYN 3.5
Jao, Wei-Chun Georgia State University The Dancing Partners of Seven Dwarfs 2010A-0194 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.7
Jewitt, David University of California, Los Angeles Ice Near the Sun: The Main Belt Comets 2010A-0147 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.74
Kasliwal, Mansi California Institute of Technology Transients in the Local Universe 2010A-0446 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.7
Kawka, Adela Astronomicky ustav Properties of high proper motion white dwarfs 2010A-0087 KPNO 4m 3
Keel, William University of Alabama Dust in backlit galaxies - completing the UV sample 2010A-0241 KPNO WIYN 4
Keel, William University of Alabama The Galaxy Zoo sample of AGN-ionized clouds - history and obscuration 2010A-0244 KPNO 2.1m 7
Keeney, Brian University of Colorado Gax and Galaxies in the Cosmic Web: A Galaxy Redshift Survey around HST/COS Target Sight Lines 2010A-0051 KPNO WIYN 7
Kelly, Patrick Stanford University Shifting Standards: SN Ia Calibration Across Host Environments 2010A-0461 KPNO 2.1m 8.5
Kishimoto, Makoto Max Planck Institut fur Radioastronomie Probing the innermost infrared emission in the brightest Type 1 AGN with the CHARA array 2010A-0081   CHARA 0.8
Koss, Michael University of Maryland Near-IR Spectroscopy of AGN from the SWIFT BAT Survey 2010A-0447 KPNO 4m 4
Kulkarni, Varsha University of South Carolina Metals, Molecules, and Star Formation in Sub-Damped Lyman-alpha Quasar Absorbers 2010A-0499   Magellan-II 1
Landolt, Arlo Louisiana State University Faint UBVRI Photometric Standard Star fields: KPNO 2010A-0009 KPNO 2.1m 31.5
Landolt, Arlo Louisiana State University Faint UBVRI Photometric Standard Star fields: CTIO 2010A-0012 CTIO 1.0m 26
Lee, Jae-Woo Sejong University Globular Clusters as galaxy building blocks 2010A-0133 CTIO 1.0m 10
Lee, Brian University of Florida High precision differential photometry of planet transits with the MMTF 2010A-0453   Magellan-I 1
Lepine, Sebastien American Museum of Natural History Completing the inventory of the nearest 20pc: spectral classication of 1,301 candidate nearby stars. 2010A-0473 CTIO 4m 1
Levan, Andrew University of Warwick Lyman-alpha imaging of a known z=8.2 field 2010A-0164 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2
Liu, Guilin University of Massachusetts, Amherst Exploring the Scaling Laws of Star Formation: the High Density Centers of Galaxies 2010A-0129 KPNO 2.1m 6.5
Liu, Jifeng Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory The first direct mass measurement for the black hole in an ultraluminous X-ray source 2010A-0222 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.1
Lucey, John University of Durham The origin of S0 discs in the dense cluster environment 2010A-0144 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.9
Macri, Lucas Texas A & M University Cepheids and Long-Period Variables in NGC 4258 2010A-0265 KPNO WIYN 3
Maderak, Ryan Indiana University Oxygen Abundances at the Extremes of the Open Cluster Metallicity Range: NGC 2506 2010A-0235 MMT MMT 1
Mallery, Ryan University of California, Los Angeles Star Formation Feedback and Radiative transfer of Ly(alpha) 2010A-0379 KPNO 4m 4
Malo, Lison University of Montreal Lithium test of Low-Mass Candidate members of Nearby Young Associations 2010A-0138 CTIO 4m 4
Mandelbaum, Rachel Institute for Advanced Study Normalization and scatter of the mass-temperature relation for supermassive galaxy clusters 2010A-0317 KPNO 4m 7
Marois, Christian Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics IDPS: a direct imaging survey of Jovian planets around young and close massive stars. 2010A-0295 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Mason, Brian US Naval Observatory Nearby Dwarf Stars: Duplicity, Binarity, and Masses 2010A-0058 CTIO 4m-PRE 3
Massey, Philip   Long-term Monitoring of the Spectrum of the Nght Sky over Kitt Peak 2009A-0909 KPNO 2.1m 4
Matheson, Thomas National Optical Astronomy Observatory Revealing the Heart of the Explosion: Nebular-Phase Spectroscopy of Type I Supernovae 2010A-0302 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.88
Matson, Rachel Georgia State University The Structure of Mass Loss from Massive Stars 2010A-0271 GEM-N GEM-NQ 5
Mauerhan, Jon California Institute of Technology Obscured Massive Stellar X-ray Sources in the Galactic Plane 2010A-0384 CTIO SOAR 2
McMillan, Robert University of Arizona Astrometric Search and Recovery of Asteroids and Comets Discovered by WISE 2010A-0122 KPNO 4m-TOO  
Meech, Karen University of Hawaii Investigating the Early Solar System with Distant Comet Nuclei 2010A-0375 GEM-S GEM-S 3
Meibom, Soren Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The connections between binarity, circumstellar disks, and stellar rotation 2010A-0281 CTIO 4m 2
Meibom, Soren Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The connections between binarity, circumstellar disks, and stellar rotation 2010A-0281 CTIO 4m-PRE 2
Meibom, Soren Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Resolving and characterizing stars in the cores of NGC6819 and NGC6791 2010A-0294 KPNO WIYN 3
Meibom, Soren Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics The connections between binarity, circumstellar disks, and stellar rotation 2010A-0313 KPNO WIYN 2
Merline, William Southwest Research Institute High-Resolution AO Imaging of Asteroids/Satellites 2010A-0489 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Merline, William Southwest Research Institute High-Resolution AO Imaging of Asteroids/Satellites 2010A-0489 GEM-S GEM-S 1
Miller, Christopher Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Near-infrared Survey of the Abell 1882 Super-Group 2010A-0482 CTIO 4m 1
Moran, Edward Wesleyan University Black Holes in the Milky Way's Backyard 2010A-0485 KPNO 4m 7
Moran, Edward Wesleyan University Black Holes in the Milky Way's Backyard 2010A-0485   Hale 2
Mueller, Beatrice Planetary Science Institute Imaging of the Stardust target, comet 81P/Wild 2 at its best perigee in 60 years: A unique opportunity. 2010A-0226 KPNO 2.1m 10
Mulchaey, John Carnegie Observatories Casting Light on the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium 2010A-0238 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Mulchaey, John Carnegie Observatories Casting Light on the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium 2010A-0238 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.1
Newman, Jeffrey University of Pittsburgh Y-band Imaging in the Extended Groth Strip 2010A-0112 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Ngeow, Chow Choong National Central University Observations of Southern Galactic Cepheids in Sloan Filters 2010A-0085 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 15
Norris, Mark University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Unified Analysis of Spheroid and Disk Dynamics in S0s 2010A-0110 CTIO SOAR 6
Oka, Takeshi University of Chicago Exploring the Central Molecular Zone by H_3^+ and CO Spectroscopy along New Sight lines 2010A-0064 GEM-S GEM-S 4
Oswalt, Terry Florida Institute of Technology An Investigation of Post-main-sequence Mass Loss Using Wide Binary Stars 2010A-0290 KPNO 4m 4.5
Parker, Joel Southwest Research Institute Scrutinizing the Extreme TNO 2009 MS9 2010A-0285 KPNO WIYN 3
Patience, Jennifer University of Exeter Resolving the A-star Binary Population with Gemini AO 2010A-0066 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.23
Peng, Eric Peking University NGVS-S: A Comprehensive Spectroscopic Survey of Virgo 2010A-0445 MMT MMT 2
Peterson, Bradley Ohio State University The High Mass End of the Black Hole Mass - Stellar Velocity Dispersion Relation in AGNs 2010A-0197 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.11
Ragland, Sam W. M. Keck Observatory Multi-color interferometric investigations of YSO disks 2010A-0406   CHARA 2
Ravindranath, Swara Inter University Centre for Astronomy & Astrophysics Mid-IR Mapping of Nuclear Rings: Does Star Formation proceed by Sequential Triggering? 2010A-0344 GEM-S GEM-S 2
Reed, Michael Missouri State University Constraining the evolution of the pulsating subdwarf B star Feige 48 (KL UMa). 2010A-0155 KPNO 4m 4
Rest, Armin Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Echoes of Historical Supernovae in the Milky Way Galaxy 2010A-0297 CTIO 4m 8
Reynolds, Mark University of Michigan, Ann Arbor The Mass of the Black Hole in the Galactic Microquasar GRS 1915+105 2010A-0399 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1
Rhee, Jaehyon Purdue University Search for r-Process Enhanced Very Metal-Poor Stars 2010A-0394 KPNO 4m 5.5
Richardson, Mark Arizona State University Metallicities and kinematics of Lyman-alpha Galaxies at z=3.1 2010A-0481 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Rivkin, Andrew Johns Hopkins University Quantifying Rotational Variation on the Dwarf Planet Ceres 2010A-0177 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 1
Roe, Henry Lowell Observatory Titan's Methane Weather post-Equinox: Seasonal climate change and surface geology 2010A-0124 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1
Roederer, Ian University of Texas, Austin Characterizing the Age and Chemical Enrichment of the Heaviest Elements in Globular Cluster M92 2010A-0173 KPNO WIYN 4
Saha, Abhijit National Optical Astronomy Observatory The Ancient stellar population of Leo A. 2010A-0199 GEM-N GEM-N 3
Sakai, Shoko University of California, Los Angeles Surface Photometry of Local Volume Galaxies 2010A-0337 CTIO 1.0m 9
Sakai, Shoko University of California, Los Angeles H(alpha) and Optical Imaging of Local Volume Galaxies in the Northern Hemisphere 2010A-0338 KPNO 0.9m 5
Sakamoto, Tsuyoshi Japan Spaceguard Association Stellar dynamics in the Milky Way out to the solar radius 2010A-0459 KPNO 2.1m 5.5
Sarajedini, Ata University of Florida Unlocking the Secrets of the Oosterhoff Effect: A Period-Amplitude-Color Analysis of RR Lyrae Variables 2010A-0311 CTIO 1.0m 10
Schawinski, Kevin Yale University Deep spectroscopy of a sample of local obscured AGN 2010A-0178 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.1
Scholz, Alexander University of St. Andrews SONYC: The bottom of the IMF in the Lupus star forming region 2010A-0054 CTIO 4m 4
Schwamb, Megan California Institute of Technology Monitoring Cometary Activity in the Centaur Population 2010A-0131 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 10
Schwamb, Megan California Institute of Technology Monitoring Cometary Activity in the Centaur Population 2010A-0131 CTIO 1.3m 3.6
Schwamb, Megan California Institute of Technology Monitoring Cometary Activity in the Centaur Population 2010A-0131 CTIO 1.5m-SVC 6.5
Sellgren, Kristen Ohio State University Stellar Abundances within 2 pc of the Central Black Hole in the Galactic Center 2010A-0316 GEM-S GEM-S 4
Seth, Anil Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Surveying Nearby Nuclear Star Clusters 2010A-0169 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.05
Shara, Michael American Museum of Natural History Old Nova Shells around Z Cam Dwarf Novae: A Prediction of the Hibernation Scenario 2010A-0261 KPNO 4m 5.5
Sheffield, Allyson Vassar College Exploring the Chemical Nature and Origin of Potential Galactic Substructures 2010A-0373 KPNO 4m 4.5
Sheppard, Scott Carnegie Institution of Washington Precise Astrometry for Predicting Kuiper Belt Object Occultations 2010A-0404 CTIO 0.9m-SVC 4.2
Sheppard, Scott Carnegie Institution of Washington A Survey for L5 Neptune Trojans 2010A-0418 CTIO 4m 3
Sheppard, Scott Carnegie Institution of Washington A Survey for L5 Neptune Trojans 2010A-0418 CTIO SOAR 0.5
Simon, Michal State University of New York, Stony Brook Angular Diameters of Stars in the Beta Pic Moving Group 2010A-0057   CHARA 3
Simpson, Janet SETI Institute/NASA Ames Research Center G333.466-0.163 (IRAS 16175-5002) - A Cluster of Massive Young Stellar Objects 2010A-0347 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.6
Smith, Nathan University of California, Berkeley Late-time Photometry of Recent Optical Transients 2010A-0415 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.8
Smith, Nathan University of California, Berkeley Late-time Photometry of Recent Optical Transients 2010A-0415 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.2
Song, Jeeseon University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Optical/NIR Studies of South Pole Telescope Galaxy Clusters and Point Sources 2010A-0441 CTIO 4m 12
Stapelfeldt, Karl Jet Propulsion Laboratory Coronagraphic Imaging Survey of a New Spitzer Debris Disk Sample 2010A-0359 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2.25
Stauffer, John California Institute of Technology--IPAC Synoptic Monitoring of Star-Forming Cores 2010A-0286 CTIO 1.3m 5
Stauffer, John California Institute of Technology New Constraints for YSO Inner Accretion Disks with Spitzer and Spartan 2010A-0314 CTIO SOAR 3
Stevenson, Rachel University of California, Los Angeles Albedos of Small Hilda Asteroids 2010A-0312 CTIO SOAR 3
Stevenson, Rachel University of California, Los Angeles The Thermal History of the Themis Family 2010A-0322 CTIO SOAR 3
Stringfellow, Guy University of Colorado The Search for New Luminous Blue Variable Stars: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Stars With 24 micron Shells 2010A-0296   Hale 1
Stringfellow, Guy University of Colorado The Search for New Luminous Blue Variable Stars: Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of Stars With 24 micron Shells 2010A-0296   Hale-PRE 1
Stringfellow, Guy University of Colorado A Deep Emission Line Study of the Ophiuchus Cloud 2010A-0475 CTIO 4m 10
Strolger, Louis-Gregory Western Kentucky University Tests of Environmental Effects on SN Ia Production 2010A-0246 KPNO 4m 4
Tanvir, Nial University of Leicester Investigating gamma-ray bursts and their use as cosmological probes 2010A-0145 GEM-N GEM-NQ 0.08
Tanvir, Nial University of Leicester Rapid observations of gamma-ray bursts with Gemini-S 2010A-0156 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.09
Tokovinin, Andrei Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Complete census of wide companions to nearby stars 2010A-0060 CTIO 1.3m 2.8
Trafton, Laurence University of Texas, Austin Search for Enhancement of Unidentified Titan Absorption Features over Xanadu and for Titan CH4 Humidity Gradients 2010A-0458 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.5
Trippe, Margaret University of Maryland Variability of Seyfert Type and the Nature of Seyfert 1.8 and 1.9 Galaxies 2010A-0180 KPNO 2.1m 4.5
Trueblood, Mark National Optical Astronomy Observatory Extended Follow-up of Near Earth Objects 2010A-0074 KPNO 2.1m 3
Trujillo, Chadwick Gemini Observatory Primordial Solar System Ices 2010A-0419 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.1
Tucker, Douglas Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Calibration and Characterization of Stars, Galaxies, and Quasars in the Dark Energy Survey (DES) grizy Filter System 2010A-0307 CTIO 1.0m 7
Twarog, Bruce University of Kansas Probing Stellar Structure and Evolution via Li Abundances 2010A-0361 MMT MMT 1
Tytler, David University of California, San Diego QSO Light on New Physics 2010A-0212 CTIO 4m 3
Vaccaro, Todd Francis Marion University Low Mass Eclipsing Binaries 2010A-0416 KPNO 4m 5
Van Eymeren, Janine Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics The kinematics of ionised gas shells in nearby irregular dwarf galaxies 2010A-0150 KPNO WIYN 3
Veilleux, Sylvain University of Maryland Deep Emission-Line Imaging of Local Galactic Winds with NEWFIRM 2010A-0266 CTIO 4m 5
Von Braun, Kaspar California Institute of Technology Distances to Eclipsing M-Dwarf Binary Systems 2010A-0220 KPNO 0.9m 3
Von Braun, Kaspar California Institute of Technology Distances to Eclipsing M-Dwarf Binary Systems 2010A-0220 KPNO WIYN 4
Wachter, Stefanie California Institute of Technology The Nature of Mid-Infrared Circumstellar Shells discovered with the Spitzer Space Telescope 2010A-0114 CTIO SOAR 3
Wade, Richard Pennsylvania State University Early F dwarfs with hidden hot subdwarf companions 2010A-0167 KPNO 2.1m 4.5
Walker, Alistair Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Accurate and Precise IR Photometry of Omega Centauri 2010A-0121 CTIO 4m 1
Williams, Stephen Georgia State University Spectroscopic Orbits for Eclipsing Binaries Among the NASA Kepler Observatory Targets 2010A-0202 KPNO 4m 4
Wilson, Gillian University of California, Riverside The Gemini Cluster Astrophysics Spectroscopic Survey (GCLASS) 2010A-0343 GEM-N GEM-NQ 1.9
Wing, Joshua Boston University Radio Selected Clusters of Galaxies at High Redshift 2010A-0298 KPNO 4m 4
Winkler, P. Frank Middlebury College Young SNRs, Nonradiative Shocks, and Cosmic Rays: Measuring the Expansion of SN 1006 and RCW 86 2010A-0483 CTIO 4m 5
Worseck, Gabor University of California, Santa Cruz Surveying the Post-Reionization Universe with Quasar Spectroscopy 2010A-0355 GEM-N GEM-NQ 2.8
Worseck, Gabor University of California, Santa Cruz Surveying the Post-Reionization Universe with Quasar Spectroscopy 2010A-0358 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.6
Wright, Jason Pennsylvania State University Determining Distance, Age, and Activity in a New Benchmark Cluster: Ruprecht 147 2010A-0378 MMT MMT 1
Yong, David Australian National University Fluorine abundances in thin and thick disk stars 2010A-0097 GEM-S GEM-SQ 0.37
Young, Andrew University of Bristol The Jet-Cloud Interaction of PKS B2152-699 2010A-0157 GEM-S GEM-SQ 2
Young, Leslie Southwest Research Institute Pluto's Atmospheric CH_4: Variations in time, space, and altitude 2010A-0488 GEM-S GEM-SQ 1.5
Zabludoff, Ann University of Arizona Resolving the Nature of Newly Discovered Lyman-(alpha) Blobs in the NOAO Bootes Field 2010A-0263 GEM-N GEM-N 2
Zezas, Andreas Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Investigation of Supernova Remnants in nearby galaxies 2010A-0218 KPNO 4m 3.5
Zuckerman, Ben University of California, Los Angeles Hunting the Coolest Substellar Dwarfs 2010A-0320 CTIO 4m 6

Updated on July 26, 2024, 7:15 am