sci19010 — Announcement

First Hawai'ian Language Class for Observatory Staff is Pau (Finished)

May 23, 2019

Staff at Maunakea observatories were privileged to participate in a class on Hawai'ian language and culture during the first half of 2019. The class, led by kumu 'ōlelo (language teacher) Kamalani Johnson, met every Friday at lunchtime in the Gemini Lecture Hall, and through the magic of videoconferencing, was available to participants in Waimea and Mānoa as well as those based in Hilo. Over one hundred haumana (students) participated, and the final class was bittersweet.  Plans are progressing to provide future classes, but in the meantime, Maunakea Observatories’ staff will miss the weekly opportunity to learn about the rich history and culture of the islands and our communities. Mahalo nui e kumu Kamalani, a hui hou aku.