Filter Information

Plots and data included with most lists.

Instructions for Fast Beam Simulations

Glass Filter Spectral Transmission Curves from Schott Catalog (reproduced with permission from Schott Glass Technologies, Inc.)

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NOIRLab Filter Database

Filter FWHM (Å) CWL (Å) Telescope Instrument Plot Data Comments
SDSS z' 4842.00 10094.00 SOAR Telescope Goodman, SOI SDSS z' SDSS z' 4 x 4 Inches square filters for imaging with the Goodman HTS or with SOI (SOI can also use 3x3 inch filters without vignetting)
RG1000 0.00 10000.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters
kp1219 108.00 9998.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1219
DECam Y 674.50 9886.30 Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope Dark Energy Camera DECam Y DECam Y
kp817 155.00 9685.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp817
DECam N964 95.00 9640.00 Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope Dark Energy Camera DECam N964
kp816 39.00 9561.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp816
kp1017 139.00 9553.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1017 replaced 8-13-86
[S III] 27.00 9545.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters [S III] [S III] George Jacoby's filter
kp1001 443.00 9540.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1001
SAMI-z SDSS 2328.00 9500.00 SOAR Telescope SAM, SAMI SAMI-z SDSS
SDSS_z 2364.00 9468.00 Gemini South ZORRO SDSS_z SDSS_z not convolved with dichroic
SDSS_z 2364.00 9468.00 Gemini North ALOPEKE SDSS_z SDSS_z not convolved with dichroic
z SDSS k1020 *** Retired! 2000.00 9400.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic z SDSS k1020 *** Retired! z SDSS k1020 *** Retired! NOTE: This filter was damaged in June 2011 and is retired. The CTIO SDSS z' filter (c6020) can be requested as a replacement, but it's availability will depend on demand at CTIO. Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer.
z SDSS c6020 2000.00 9400.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic z SDSS c6020 z SDSS c6020 Note: The central wavelength of CTIO Mosaic narrow band filters (actually all filters, but is very significant for narrow band filters) is shifted ~15A to the BLUE in the f/2.87 beam of the Blanco 4m + PFADC corrector as compared to the transmission measured in parallel light. The central wavelength quoted below is nominally for when the filter is used at PF, with the ~15A shift included. Furthermore, the filter transmission curve presented below shows the simulated filter transmission curve for the Blanco 4m + PFADC f/2.87 beam.
zd DECam k1038 *** New! 1467.00 9280.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic zd DECam k1038 *** New! zd DECam k1038 *** New! Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer.
918R 918R_v1 k1028 81.22 9210.96 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic 918R 918R_v1 k1028 918R 918R_v1 k1028 Note that there is a shift in central wavelength when placed in different f/ratio beams. At the KPNO 4meter f/3.1 beam this corresponds to a shift of approximately 12 Angstroms bluer; at the CTIO 4meter f/2.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 15 Angstroms bluer; at the WIYN 0.9m f/7.9 this corresponds to a shift of approximately 5 Angstroms bluer. See the plot at the bottom of the page.
DS920_G0312 190.00 9200.00 Gemini North GMOS-N DS920_G0312 DS920_G0312
kp1374 81.00 9183.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1374 vesa - omega
DECam z 1289.30 9157.90 Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope Dark Energy Camera DECam z DECam z
kp273 46.00 9073.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp273 s III
kp1218 117.00 8894.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1218
kp182 3208.00 8875.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter bessell system revised k p I
kp33 3202.00 8865.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter bessell system k p rg-9
kp1114 3202.00 8865.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1114 bessell system k p rg-9
kp1357 3141.00 8816.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter saao 3mm RG-9 4mm quartz
It Tyson I c6025 *** Not Available 2000.00 8800.00 Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope Mosaic It Tyson I c6025 *** Not Available It Tyson I c6025 *** Not Available Note: The central wavelength of CTIO Mosaic narrow band filters (actually all filters, but is very significant for narrow band filters) is shifted ~15A to the BLUE in the f/2.87 beam of the Blanco 4m + PFADC corrector as compared to the transmission measured in parallel light. The central wavelength quoted below is nominally for when the filter is used at PF, with the ~15A shift included. Furthermore, the filter transmission curve presented below shows the simulated filter transmission curve for the Blanco 4m + PFADC f/2.87 beam.
Z_G0322 936.00 8760.00 Gemini North GMOS-N Z_G0322 Z_G0322
Z_G0322 936.00 8760.00 Gemini South GMOS-S Z_G0322 Z_G0322
Z_G0343 936.00 8760.00 Gemini South GMOS-S Z_G0343 Z_G0343
Bessell I 3914.00 8665.00 SOAR Telescope Goodman, SOI Bessell I Bessell I 4 x 4 Inches square filters for imaging with the Goodman HTS or with SOI (SOI can also use 3x3 inch filters without vignetting)
Osmer/Green 8600 690.00 8642.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters Osmer/Green 8600 Osmer/Green 8600 Green 8600
CaT_G0309 1525.00 8600.00 Gemini North GMOS-N CaT_G0309 CaT_G0309
CaT_G0333 1525.00 8600.00 Gemini South GMOS-S CaT_G0333 CaT_G0333
Mike Irvin's Z 0.00 8525.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters Mike Irvin's Z Mike Irvin's Z
Gunn z 0.00 8495.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters Gunn z Gunn z RG850
kp22 110.00 8453.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter i r filter
I Harris 2077.00 8333.00 WIYN 0.9-meter Telescope S2KB I Harris I Harris 11-2001
SDSS z' 0.00 8325.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 4-Inch Filters SDSS z' SDSS z' Sloan Digital Sky Survey set
EO_832 403.00 8320.00 Gemini South ZORRO EO_832 EO_832 not convolved with dichroic
kp1268_13 2093.00 8320.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1268_13 mould system
EO_832 403.00 8320.00 Gemini North ALOPEKE EO_832 EO_832 not convolved with dichroic
kp1268_14 2007.00 8310.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1268_14 mould system
HST "I" 2560.00 8310.00 WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope Hydra HST "I" SIZE: 4x4-5.43mm.
HST "I" 8300/2500 2560.00 8310.00 SMARTS Consortium: 0.9-meter Telescope BLANK HST "I" 8300/2500 Size: 4x4 Thick: 5.43
HST "I" 2560.00 8310.00 WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope Hydra HST "I" SIZE: 4x4-5.43mm.
kp1268_11 1910.00 8300.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1268_11 mould system I
kp1532 2056.00 8295.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1532 harris I CCDPHOT - omega
kp402 1802.00 8291.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter mould system ocli
kp1314b 2006.00 8291.00 KPNO 2.1-meter Telescope KPNO 2-Inch Filter kp1314b nearly mould I-omega

Updated on June 27, 2022, 11:32 am