Library Services


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NOIRLab Library Services is a service within Research and Science Services (RSS) that serves all NOIRLab staff.


Our Services

Publications Tracking

Information and Reference Services

  • Provide information, books, journal articles, and other materials to aid in research endeavors.

  • Preserve and share the history of the organization through our archival collections.


Physical Collections

Library Services maintains three physical collections of books, journals, and archival material for our three sites:

The Tucson Headquarters Library 

The Tucson Headquarters Library maintains a physical collection of books and journals related to astronomy, technology, and related fields. There is an archival collection of materials related to organizational history,  as well as worldwide observatory publications, and glass plates.

Access the Tucson and La Serena Library Catalog

The La Serena Library

The La Serena Headquarters building has a library space with a small physical collection. There is also a collection of bound journals and other materials on Cerro Tololo.

The Hilo, Hawai'i, Library

Located in the Gemini Observatory Hilo Base Facility, the library has a collection of books in astronomy, physics, management, and safety.



Sharon Hunt, 

Nicole Auza,

Xiaoyu Zhang,

Abi Saha,


Library Services email distribution list:




Updated on March 11, 2022, 7:49 am