Science Announcements

User Survey for US Extremely Large Telescope Program Data Services

11 April 2022

The dramatic increases in sensitivity and angular resolution enabled by Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs) with apertures > 20 meters will enable transformational discoveries in

Participate In Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Data Preview 0.2

11 April 2022

Phase 2 of Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Data Preview 0, DP0.2, begins on 30 June 2022. Up to 300 new participants will be

Gemini Fast Turnaround March 2022

29 March 2022

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. The upcoming deadline is 12:00 (noon) Hawai‘i Standard Time on 31

2022B Gemini Call for Proposals

29 March 2022

Two virtual workshops describing the important changes in the 2022B call for proposals — support for the Astronomical Event Observatory Network (AEON), dual-anonymous review

GMOS Instrument Update

29 March 2022

Both of Gemini’s visual workhorse imager/spectrometers have had issues with detector noise and other features in the past month. The issues are more impactful

GMOS Data Reduction Cookbook

29 March 2022

The US National Gemini Office (US NGO) has released Version 2.0 of the GMOS Data Reduction Cookbook and posted it to the US NGO 

GMOS Photometry and Flat-Fielding

29 March 2022

A dedicated webpage describing the effects of the different CCD quantum efficiencies in the GMOS detector arrays on photometry and flat-fielding has been added

Seeking nominations for the Users Committee for Gemini (UCG)

29 March 2022

Gemini is seeking self-nominations from astronomers from Argentina, Brazil, and Canada to serve on its Users' Committee. The Committee reports to the Observatory