Science Announcements

Gemini e-Newscast #25 -- April 6, 2010

5 April 2010

A young planetary-mass companion of a brown dwarf Identifying more complete and more representative populations of substellar companions to stars and brown dwarfs is

Gemini Data Workshop July 19-22

31 March 2010

Gemini Observatory and the US National Optical Astronomy Observatory are organizing a Gemini Data Workshop 19--22 July 2010 in Tucson, Arizona. Registration is free

Gemini e-Newscast #24 -- March 12, 2010

11 March 2010

[FOR BROAD DISTRIBUTION] Dust hides the mass of merging galaxies While velocity dispersion measurements of elliptical galaxies in the optical (using the calcium triplet)

Gemini e-Newscast #29 -- March 2, 2011

3 March 2010

Quasar feedback measured The tight correlation between central black hole mass and stellar velocity dispersion requires some feedback mechanism between black hole growth and

Gemini e-Newscast #28 -- January 27, 2011

1 February 2010

Gemini South laser constellation propagated on-sky The Gemini South 50-watt laser was first successfully propagated as a 5-star constellation on January 22, 2011. The

Taking Our Show on the Road

31 January 2010

Community engagement is an important part of the NOAO mission. We want you to know what we are doing, and we want to know

Updated 2010A OT available

31 January 2010

The February ODB maintenance is complete and an updated OT is available. The new OT fixes several bugs so it is a recommended

Science with Optical Interferometry - An Invitation to Join the SOC

31 January 2010

The rapid recent and on-going development of optical interferometry is offering astronomers a new, precision tool with angular resolution of order 1 milliarcsec. Though