Science Announcements

Gemini e-Newscast #36 – March 14, 2012

13 March 2012

1. FLAMINGOS-2 lens failure The large collimator lens of FLAMINGOS-2 has cracked and requires replacement. Replacement lenses have been ordered, and we are consulting

2012B PIT (new generation) released

8 March 2012

The 2012B Phase I Tool (PIT) has been released as part of the 2012B call for proposals. This is a completely new PIT with

Observing databases offline March 1

7 March 2012

The Gemini Observatory observing databases will be offline for about 1 hour on Thursday March 1 while we perform quarterly software updates. During this

2012B Call for proposals announced

29 February 2012

Gemini is now accepting proposals for observing time in Semester 2012B. The submission deadline is THURSDAY/FRIDAY MARCH 29/30 2012 (the exact deadline varies with

FLAMINGOS-2 Lens Failure

22 February 2012

The large collimator lens in FLAMINGOS-2 has been found to be cracked. We are in the process of identifying the causes of the fracture

Updated 2012A OT available

14 February 2012

An updated version of the 2012A OT (2012A.1.2.1) is available for download or via the OT update feature. The update is optional but

Input to the NSF/AST Portfolio Review

31 January 2012

Many groups and individuals provided NOAO-related input to the NSF/AST Portfolio Review during the community comment period, which ended on 31 January. The Portfolio

Call for White Papers to define the Gemini InfraRed-Optical Spectrometer (GIROS)

12 January 2012

UPDATED FEBRUARY 7 January 2012 Introduction Gemini Observatory is embarked on a new round of instrumentation development, with an emphasis on creating as competitive