Science Announcements

Gemini e-Newscast #40

15 August 2012

Record-Breaking Star Formation in a Cooling Flow Cluster Radiative cooling of the intra-cluster medium should lead to cooler, denser gas flowing toward the galaxy

Gemini observing databases online

13 August 2012

The Gemini North hardware replacement is complete, and both the North and South observing databases are online. Please submit a Help Desk ticket if

Gemini North observing database offline August 14

13 August 2012

The Gemini North observing database will be offline for several hours for hardware repairs on August 14. The work will nominally be from 10am

The current issue of GeminiFocus is available online

5 August 2012

The current issue of GeminiFocus is available here.

Opportunities and Challenges Ahead: Report of the NSF/AST Portfolio Review Committee Released

31 July 2012

The report of the NSF/AST Portfolio Review Committee (PRC) was released on 2012 August 16. The committee recommendations, made to NSF/AST, chart out a

Gemini North observing database online

30 July 2012

The Gemini North hardware replacement is complete and the observing database is back online. Please submit a Help Desk ticket if you encounter any

Gemini North observing database offline July 31

29 July 2012

The Gemini North observing database will be offline for several hours on the morning of Tuesday July 31, tentatively starting at 10am HST, while

2012B OT video tutorials available

5 July 2012

Video tutorials on Phase II preparation with the 2012B OT are now available here.