NGC 205 (M110)
This dwarf elliptical galaxy is a satellite of the famous Andromeda galaxy (M31). Unlike most elliptical galaxies, NGC 205 shows evidence of recent star formation. Charles Messierʼs records suggest that he observed this galaxy with M31 and M32, but did not list it in his catalogue of comet-like objects. Only after his death did NGC 205 become recognized as the 110th and final Messier object.
This image was taken as part of Advanced Observing Program (AOP) program at Kitt Peak Visitor Center during 2014.
Credit:KPNO/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/Adam Block
About the Image
Id: | noao-n205block |
Type: | Observation |
Release date: | Feb. 24, 2014, 7:28 a.m. |
Size: | 1576 x 1150 px |
About the Object
Name: | M110, NGC 205 |
Distance: | 2 million light years |
Constellation: | Andromeda |
Category: | Galaxies |
Position (RA): | 0 40 19.40 |
Position (Dec): | 41° 44' 42.12" |
Field of view: | 16.09 x 11.73 arcminutes |
Orientation: | North is 40.1° right of vertical |
Colors & filters
Band | Wave-length | Tele-scope |
Optical B | 438 nm | Visitor Center 0.5-meter Telescope Other CCD |
Optical G | 475 nm | Visitor Center 0.5-meter Telescope Other CCD |
Optical R | 625 nm | Visitor Center 0.5-meter Telescope Other CCD |
Optical Broad Band | 555 nm | Visitor Center 0.5-meter Telescope Other CCD |