Gemini Science Meeting 2022
Tuesday, 26 July 2022 11 p.m. MST - Friday, 29 July 2022 1 a.m. MST
Your time:

Millennium Hilton, Seoul, South Korea
Gemini Observatory invites its international user community to Seoul, Korea to share their breakthrough science results, and plan for the bright future ahead as Gemini's instrumentation suite and adaptive optics capabilities undergo a major revitalization. Hosted by the partnership’s newest member, we hope that the much anticipated 2022 Science Meeting (postponed since 2020 due to the pandemic) will allow the partnership to gather in-person once more, and will feature invited and contributed talks, poster sessions, news on current instrumentation projects, updates on operations developments, fabulous dining, and lively discussion of Gemini’s strategic plans for the coming decade. Come join us in Seoul!